Wednesday, January 2, 2019

1st week of school; Celebrating with Roller Blading up Provo Canyon

Highlights of their first week of school

2nd day:

Amari didn’t want to go! 
😥, he was scared and he was a bit sad. But he did really well getting out the door and going through his morning schedule at school. The teacher asked me if I minded if she held him, rubbed his back, etc because she could tell that was his love language. I’m grateful he has such an incredible teacher!!

At pickup he was in tears again, Mrs. McFeely said that he really wanted to trade in his fox bucks for his toy but that didn’t happen till Friday—he just couldn’t understand it. So after school we came home and he got to find a fox he liked on the computer, we printed 5 out and I put Velcro pieces on the back and stuck Velcro pieces to Beckahms old days of the week board mike made a while ago. Eveyyday he got home from school he got to put a fox on that day and once he got all 5 foxes on 5 days of the week he got to cash them in for prizes. He was pumped about this visual! And he did so much better the 3rd day not complaining one bit about it!


Oh my guess who got to go to sports club today? Becks was on cloud 9 getting into the car! “I won the tournament of 4 play today!!” He kept talked about it the rest of the day! He was elated! Ashton, his cousin, was freaking out when I came to pick B up after school, he was so happy or Becks. “I’m so good at sports,” he said! Everyone was so impressed that I won!

Big mama heart smile!!
He had nothing but amazing things to say about his second day. He loves it so much! This is how school should be, where you can’t wait to go back in the morning!

He told us how he learned about walkie talkies that they used in WWII and how they had to speak in a different language (Navajo) so the bad guys wouldn’t be able to intercept their communication. He told me a longer version than what I just wrote!m, but I love how he’s applying what he’s learning!

He said he made more friends today ☺️☺️.

He also got to do jobs today (they actually get to clean their own school)! Love this! He loved it to because afterwards he got fox bucks and he was so pumped about it! He said jobs are his favorite and that he’s saving up his fix bucks for something he really wants!

3rd day:
Well I believe we finally got becks schedule down and he pretty much knows what to do and where to go!

Mike and I got to go volunteer is Amaris class today. We helped the kids review their letters and sounds. It’s weird cause Amari is pumped to go to school and then once he gets in his class he struggles. It took him a while today but he finally pushed through it after they divided and did art. It was fun teaching and meeting all his friends.

Today was show and tell. Each week is a new theme and this week was nature. He had to give the class 2 clues without telling what was in his bag. He did awesome! He said “it changes color and it grows on trees!” They guessed it: leaves!! Then he got to take the leaves out of his bag and show everyone!
Beckahm loved his 3rd day, of course. He continues to thrive in this school! I’m so happy for him and so proud of him!

I haven’t written much about how I feel not having my children around. I do think it’s a tad strange but I’m not going to lie I like having some downtime and time to just go on errands by myself. This last week mike and I have just been getting stuff some to organize the house. We also closed on our house in AL! 25,000 richer 
🙌🏻. It’s been gong by so fast having them gone because I’m always so busy! I’m happy for them! I’m glad they are in a good environment, it makes it much more bearable sending them to school!

1st week of school in the books! Some highlights of their week.....They both did so good and Beckahm is just in love with this school; his favorite class right now is jobs. I love how they are responsible for taking care of their own school! The kids have to clean the school—it is part of their curriculum 🙌🏻🙌🏻. Also, the older kids have to come in and help teach the kindergarten kids (just like a Montessori model ). Beckahm has to clean Amaris bathroom and Amari was so excited that he got to see his brother; “I got to see Beckahm 3 times,” he said 😍😍. One of Beckahm’s tasks this week was to give his brother a high five and some encouragement if he saw him. Beckahm said, “I told Amari you’re doing great buddy when I saw him in his class” 😍. I love the reward system at their school! Amari gets rewarded for good behavior with fox bucks every day. Friday he can either cash his fox bucks in for a prize or he can save them. Beckahm gets fox bucks for good behavior and for doing his jobs. They love it! Beckahm’s other favorite class is his club which is an after school class. They get to choose to be in a different club every 6 weeks. The choices this first term were Zumba, jump rope and sports; he chose sports! The very first time he went was their 4 square tournament—we got here late—(he’s never played 4 square in his life). When we picked him up from school he was beaming, “I won the tournament mom! I killed it in 4 square!” He was so proud of himself 😁😁. He has almost 2 hours of physical sports (including sports club). He’s played dodge ball, soccer, and some other fun new games. By the end of the week he said “every part of my body is in pain” 😂😂. I died laughing—it’s how it should be! The parents have to serve in the school a minimum of 20 hours each year—-this can come by way of volunteering your time or donating school supplies (every $10 you spend counts as an hour towards you service). Mike and I were able to team teach Amaris K class on Wednesday. It was fun getting to know the kids in his class and helping them with their alphabet. Its been a great! I’m so proud of them for finishing strong!!

Brothers 😍😍 aren’t they just the cutest!? #icoulddie #schoolbuddies#handm #kidsschooluniform #stylish #studs

Picking Amari up was the highlight of my week! He was all smiles! The teachers said he was awesome today-no tears!

He came out with a “buddy” named Michael. Well funniest story ever! Michael says to me, “Amari is my buddy!” “I got him a present for his birthday. I looked at him bewildered, “today isn’t his birthday,” I told him, but he wouldn’t and couldn’t be convinced otherwise. Then here comes his mother with a bag full of toys for Amari (he picked the right friend 
😂😂), I told her it was t his birthday and she just laughed. She said that Michael came home and said it was his best friends birthday tomorrow 😂. Well Amari was saying happy birthday to Michael and Michael was saying it to him and his mom and I were just laughing our heads off!

It melted my heart to see him connect with a kid in his class; it’s going to make things so much better for him! I told his mom how happy I was about this and she agreed! “Michael came home and said “there’s a new little boy in class and he misses his mommy, he’s sad, so I’m going to be his friend!” What a sweet boy! She said he can’t stop talking about Amari since! 

Amari was beaming! He gave his buddy a hug and said thank you (later that night he made him a thank you card and I caught him sleeping with his motorcycle Michael gave him 

His mom and I exchanged numbers and we are going to plan play dates, she gave me her last name (which has every letter in the alphabet) and she told me her husband was from Madagascar. I seriously was astounded once again. Out of all the people my boys connect with they are different nationalities and race! It warms my heart!

His mom and I have officially named them Micari because they are inseperable :)

FB post about it these two 😍😍. Such a great story that is a definite keepsake (keep swiping to hear or read on 😊): Picking him up the third day of school was the highlight of my week! He was all smiles! The teachers said he was awesome today-no tears! 
He came out with a “buddy” named Michael. Well funniest story ever! Michael says to me, “Amari is my buddy!” “I got him a present for his birthday. I looked at him bewildered, “today isn’t his birthday,” but he couldn’t be convinced otherwise. Then here comes his mom with a bag full of toys for Amari (he picked the right friend 😂😂). I told her it wasn’t his birthday and she just laughed. She said that Michael came home and said it was his best friends birthday tomorrow 😂. Well Amari was saying happy birthday to Michael and Michael was saying it to him and his mom and I were just laughing our heads off! 
It melted my heart to see him connect with a kid in his class; it’s going to make things so much better for him! I told his mom how happy I was about this and she agreed! “Michael came home and said ‘there’s a new little boy in class and he misses his mommy, he’s sad, so I’m going to be his friend!’ What a sweet boy! She said he can’t stop talking about Amari! 🙏🏻answered!!
Amari was beaming! He gave his buddy a hug and said thank you. Later that night he made him a thank you card and I caught him sleeping with the motorcycle Michael gave him 😊😊 #bestfriendsarethebest 
Alecia Richey Andriafanomezana ❤️

Now looking back at this I kinda feel like a creeper bahaha 😂, but I had to catch him in smiles instead of tears 🙌🏻🙌🏻#everydayineverywayigetbetterandbetter

1st week of lunches down


One of the greatest perks of moving here—spending time with family . It was so fun to finally be able to watch my nephew Jaxen play football! All Beckahm wanted was his cousins attention. He looks up to Jaxen so much and he loved rooting for him and watching him play 🏈. Amari just ran around to everyone (family and non-family member alike and sat on their laps 😂😬—they better be sittin on their hands). I love watching high school football at night—brings back so many memories cheerleading on the side lines 📣; it was such a fun, gorgeously chilly night for these southern folk 😂 #highschoolfootball #gonumber32

Boomerang of the night: whoopie cushion fart sounds on the bleachers (what can I say, we are from Alabama 🤷🏼‍♀️😂). Thank you again for the gifts you got the boys to celebrate their 1st week of school 😘😘@meeche36

My face says it all... it was such a great evening! 
We celebrated the end of their first week by taking them to get slurpies and then we took them for a bike ride up Provo canyon. I can’t express how much it warmed my heart to take these two little ones to a place that holds a special place in my heart. I haven’t been back in 10 years! This was the spot I’d come run, walk or rollerblade twice a week when I was in college. Who would have ever thought, 10 years ago, that I’d have two boys and they’d be booking it up the same canyon with me?! What a trip! It was a moment where I felt my life come FULL circle! 
It was so fun showing them my favorite spots of the canyon and seeing all of the gorgeous fall leaves! Utah is breathtaking! It was their first time riding in mountains and they did awesome! We then drove up the canyon—showing them the 6mile bike ride they just accomplished, and then headed further up to Bridalviel falls where they hiked this past June. We had a lovely picnic dinner—seriously the most gorgeous weather with the most breathtaking view! We then hiked to the falls before the sun set and felt the cool mist of the waterfall on our faces. It was the perfect way to end a great first week! I loved Beckahms comment “we live in such a beautiful world!” Yes, yes, we do! “God creates all of this for us,” I told him! “What a beautiful God! Men are that they might have joy! And this is joy Beckahm; this is taking advantage of the moments and living your life to the fullest!” I’m so grateful they have had the opportunity to live in so many different places! I’m grateful Beckahm got to be born in the hot Arizona desert where the 🌵 are plentiful and the sunsets are out of this world! I’m grateful his little toes and hands got to play in the Florida sun and sand; I’m grateful they both got to explore the breathtaking, rolling green, white picket fence hills of Kentucky—Amaris birth state; I’m grateful they got to experience the southern charm of Alabama and the endless amounts of forests; and now I’m grateful they get to live among the majestic mountains of Utah! They are so so blessed! 🙏🏻

Trying to recreate a photo we took 10 years ago when we were how time has passed, but we’re still rollerblading (obviously 🙄🤘🏻😎

“Grace is finding a waterfall when you were only looking for a stream”

I love his cute little face so much! Oh the places we’ve been!! ❤️

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