Wednesday, January 2, 2019

1st Day of School!

We had a wonderful family dinner, talking with the boys about manners at school, what to expect and the four rules we had for them this year: 1) be themselves! Love who they are; 2) be kind to everyone they see (even the bullies); 3) never say “can’t”, never give up; their best is the best; 4)have fun! Enjoy the journey; 
We’ve been wanting to show Beckahm our favorite movie: Wonder and this was the perfect time: the night before his first day at school. So we had baths, got in our pjs, popped some popcorn and watched this incredible movie. I loved listening to Beckahm pick up on the lessons in the movie about loving people that aren’t like you, not being a bully, standing up for a friend, accepting others, saying sorry, acceptance, love, loyalty, trust, never letting someone sit alone, being inclusive....he got it all! 
We ended the night with our tradition of Mike giving them each a special priesthood blessing before school, a bedtime story, bedtime affirmations, and lots of bedtime kisses and loves. 
Goodnight little princes, a new world awaits you tomorrow.

As my two babies start school today 
🗣❤️ #beyourself

Big morning for these little 🦊 🦊. Amari: “im so excited” 😍😍#1stdayofschool

My sister was so kind enough to send this to me a month ago at the kids back to school open house that we were unfortunately unable to attend. So fun to see their school and their teachers! We were so ecstatic to go start school at Franklin Discovery! #newschool #franklindiscovery

Big breakfast for these big studs and 1st homemade lunch down #soooexcitedforthem

My room may look like a bomb went off in it (still have some major unpacking to do) but we got the boys off to school for their first day and I actually put on some clothes 😆#cantwinthemall 🤷🏼‍♀️

This day brought tears to my mama eyes. First day of Second grade for this big little man of mine! I have loved educating him the past year; it will definitely be an adjustment not seeing his cute little face everyday! I’m so thankful for the bond we share. I’m thankful for the incredible human being he’s turned out to be. I have no worries about this next journey for him. He is so stinkin smart, he has this magnetism about him that sucks people in; everyone wants to be “friends with Beckahm.” He is full of courage! He is obedient. He is a helper. He is powerful. He knows who he is. He is kind. He is full of light. I told his teacher she’s so lucky to have this one in her class! 
Go and light up the world little one! #beckahmtheincredible #2ndgrade

 August Amari! Kindergarten! I can’t even believe it! I’m beyond excited to see what this year will bring for this little one. He has the most infectious laugh and hands down the best sense of humor. His heart is a heart that loves! He’s my lover, my snuggler, my hands on child, my “I’ll be who I want to be, learn how I want to learn, and I don’t care what others think” child. He knows exactly what he likes and he doesn’t let others persuade him to be, play, do something that he’s just not interested in. He hasn’t been wanting to go to school for some time but we’ve talked about it a little every day for about a month and I think we finally got him excited. Last night he said, “let’s go to bed! Schools tomorrow!” 😊😊 I love him incredibly and I hope that this entire journey has all been worth it! We did this for you buddy, because we love you and we want the very best for you! You’ve got this!! Go be who you are—share that wonderful spirit of yours with the rest of the world!

May they always have the most room in their heart for each other ❤️❤️ #brothers #eachotherschampion

Here’s to celebrating life! Here’s to kicking fears in the butt! Here’s to massive growth, an endless amount of courage and love! Here’s to drying these tears and celebrating my first time being without kids longer than a week in 7 years! 😢💃🏼 #ilovetheirguts #myboys 😘😘

Showing them around school! I mean seriously! Is this place for real??? How all schools should be! I love how he has multiple teachers for various subjects, how he gets to choose a club to be in (he chose sports his first 6 weeks), how they get free time in stem rec and get to do whatever their creative brains desire! I loved going in on Friday and seeing all these kids Building LEGO creations with no teachers supervising their creativity! I love how this school stresses independent learning, learning at your own pace! I love how they believe in no homework! I love how they allow each kid to discover learning for themselves and how hands on everything is! I love how the kids are in charge of taking care of their school—they have jobs (they actually clean the school)! I love how they constantly rotate through stations and classes! I loved seeing the boys face light up when they walked around the school—so different from our first experience with a public school. They have Such a fantastic model! #franklindiscovery


My little baby boy, all grown up! 😥. After dropping Becks off we took him to his class and he was all smiles! It made my heart burst to see him remember what we walked about last night at dinner: look others in the eye, give them a firm handshake and introduce yourself! He walked right up to his teacher, stuck his hand out and gave her a firm handshake, looked her right in the eye and said hello! I was so so proud of him!

He hung up his bag, put his lunch box away, got his name badge and washed his hands and sat on the carpet. His teacher, Mrs McFeely is so nice! They always begin together as a class (he prob has about 20 kids in his class), and they go over the pledge, they read, they get to share news, they are assigned “jobs” (someone chooses what the weather is, some are like leaders, some get to help write letters on the board); they go over their weekly site words, they do the calendar and days of the week, on Wednesday they do show and tell...them they split into two groups—half the class goes to art on the other side of the room, the other half stays and they do letter review, play games, etc. then they switch. They go to recess twice which I love! They do work on the computer, go to lunch, have music time, science twice a week, they do yoga!!! They practice counting and do math and writing—so fun!

Amari was a little nervous doing the pledge with everyone and he came back to hang out with mike and I but as soon as she asked him to do the weather today he went to the front of the class and she asked him what the weather was and he chose sunny! He did a great job counting to the day 17 on the calendar And all the kids welcomed him and introduced themselves to him...from what we saw it was great up until we left!

I was so excited to pick him up 4 hours later and ask how his first day went!

One thing I just loved is he made friends right away with the only handicap child in his class. I’m just happy my boys gravitate to people that are not like them and that they can love differences!

Look who ran into him and made his day just a little sweeter! ❤️❤️grateful for family! #sisters

Amari pick up first day of school: 

So so proud of him! He was brave, he was kind, and he was respectful! And most importantly he was true to himself! He did a fantastic job today! He got a bit overstimulated after computers and he told me “I cried in school” but he pushed through it and never gave up! The teachers said he was so so sweet! They also said they were nearly in tears today to see another little classmate observe Amari feeling sad and he asked the teacher what he could do to help and then said “I know, I can tell him a joke!” Amari laughed, they made silly faces at each other and he was better. He was in such high spirits this morning as you can see from the first few videos I posted (this was after not wanting to go to school and us talking to him about it for a month)! He was even so excited the first half of the day and then we came and picked him up and he was in tears. He said the entire day “I don’t want to go back!” I snuggled with him when he got home, told him that I was so proud of him for doing something that was hard for him, and that sometimes we have to go through hard things in life so we can grow and change into even greater people. I told him that I was proud of him for being Amari and that he’s perfect just the way he is. I reminded him that everyday we get better and better—that tomorrow was a new day and a new opportunity to stretch his wings just a little further till he’s ready to fly! I love him so much! It’s hard to see your kids in pain and heartache, we want to do everything we can as their parents to prevent this but the those experiences are pinnacle for them and we are doing a greater disservice to them by not helping them face their fears, by not encouraging them to never give up and to never say “I can’t!” He will become stronger because of this—he will become the master of his fears and he will know, as he steps one foot in front of the other, that no obstacle is too insurmountable for him to overcome! #sosoproudofthislittleman

Well Beckahm pretty much ROCKED his first day of school even though they got his schedule all jacked up! He had the biggest smile on his face when We picked him up. “I can’t wait to go back tomorrow”, he said! Brought a huge smile to my heart to see him so happy! He thrives in this type of environment ❤️❤️ #2ndgradestud #mrbeckahm

Pick up Becks:

Mr. Beckahm has no qualms about saying goodbye when we dropped him off. He took one look at that school and he was pumped! He was all in. I’m so proud of him because they really got his schedule messed up the first few days and he just rolled with the punches, found his way around, and felt really good about how the system worked by day 3. It’s so crazy, they basically have the kids navigate by themselves to their different classes (totally different from public school); the system is set up like highschool where they have A/B classes so each day is different. He has a main home room where he first goes when he gets to school—he drops off his bag and lunch and he checks in with his home room teacher, she gives him his name badge and then he wanders down the stairs to find his first class.

His A day schedule is:

His B day schedule is:

He has different teachers for ever subject which makes it fun! And then he has his main home room teacher, Mrs. MICHELLE Jackson. He also has mentoring teachers in his home room.

He took to the entire first day with so much pizazz! When I picked him up he had a smile from ear to ear! He was beaming!

“I love school so much mom! I can’t wait to go back tomorrow!!!”

He said he loved stem rec, he sand the Peter Pan song teedum teedee song in music, he worked on the computer (said math was easy), he had lunch, he played outside, he did literacy, and he got to watch magic school bus a little.

He already made friends (of course)!

I’m so happy for him! He loves school! This is where he’s supposed to be! His gift is being social and he thrives in this type of setting! Although I do miss homeschooling him I know this is where he needs to be! Homeschool served its purpose—it brought the boys so much closer together, and I know Beckahm grew so so much, but there’s a difference in his countenance—he thrives on a lot of social interaction, having different mentors and he likes competition. I’m so excited and happy for him!

Oh these cuties! 😍😍 they were so kind to help Beckahm on his first day of school! Warmed my heart! Beckahm was so happy to see his cousins!

These pictures though 😍😍...made me smile from ear to ear! Kids have the best hearts! His cousins were the good samaritans today! Thanks for watching over my Beckahm! 😘😘 @dredrew

Tradition after the first day of school: donuts! Yummy Provo bakery donuts!

 “You deserve a donut!” Yes yes they do! Celebrating their first day of school with donuts poolside 🍩🙌🏻🙌🏻 The kids are getting in their last few swims before it gets chilly! The mountains are gorgeous as a back drop to where we live!

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