Wednesday, January 2, 2019

12 Months of Service 2018

 January: donated blood, and make a care package for my sister who broke her leg


❤️February’s service involved making Valentines cards for sick children at our local hospital, cleaning our church, helping a family move, and taking homemade blankets to a women’s shelter in downtown Birmingham ❤️

❤️❤️February is the month of love. We love pizza, and we love treats, so we thought we’d grab some pizzas and put some valentines together and deliver them to those who might feel forgotten. We have felt so grateful to serve those who need it most in our community—to remind them that they are incredible human beings and that their maker loves them and is aware of their every need. ❤️❤️

This first picture is by far my favorite moment of this experience: Bridging the great gap between race, status, upbringing, LOVE.

LOVE is our universal language. And it’s through serving others that LOVE speaks the loudest.

My hope and prayer is that these littles will never stop loving, never stop seeing how much their light is needed in this great big world—never stop believing how ONE small act can make the biggest difference. This by far is the only legacy I wish for them to remember when it is my time to go.

Shopping for blessing bag items.  Our March service is going to be giving away these blessing bags (Irish Blessing attached) to anyone we see in need. 

Delivering them in Atlanta

For April we wrote uplifting messages and put them in Easter eggs and hid them around our community.  We also celebrated Earth Day with the kids and we bought a plant to plant in our yard! 

Mays Service: picking up supplies and donating our own homeschool supplies to a teacher who is going to Africa this summer to teach preschoolers. We were also able to contribute to a Go Fund me for Mikes Uncle who has brain cancer. So grateful we could help both of these causes—one close to home and one thousands of miles away—this month! ❤️

June: Pounding the streets of Bham once again for our service in June. I thought this was such a great way to pay it forward—coming full circle after Amari was admitted to this hospital for 3 days when he was 1. This was such a fun and easy way for the kids to participate in making someones day a little brighter. We stuffed baggies full of coins and taped them on vending machines in different hospitals all over downtown Bham, in hopes that it made those long hours of waiting on a loved one more bearable. ❤️❤️#🙏🏻godblessthesick 
Follow along @serveyourheartout for more of our adventures serving as a family around the globe

We are SO stoked about our service idea as a family for the months of July and August and we need YOUR HELP! 
We have TWO giveaways: cash to a family in need, and an exceptionally cool bag pack from an exceptionally cool company Rice Love that helps feed families in India 🇮🇳
Watch the video for the details. 
Please submit your nominations either via messenger or email at 
We are so excited to hear your stories of who is deserving of these giveaways. The boys will be choosing one family and one teenager by August 26th! 
Share. Like. Participate. Help us SPREAD the LOVE 💕 💕
Also check out our IG @serveyourheartout to follow our adventures serving as a family

Reminder we posted on FB

Oh the reality of making a family video 😂, it is always an imperfectly perfect pursuit. I love the boys faces in these photos. 
Just a reminder to HELP US spread love by sending us your nominations for:
1—a teenager you feel is exceptionally awesome and deserving of a very cool backpack from an incredible company Rice Love. We will be filling it with a bunch of school supplies and shipping it to them next week. 
2—a family that could use some financial help this month. 
You can either send us a message via messenger, text or email us at 
The boys are so excited to choose one lucky teen and family at the end of the week.

September’s service! We have been so busy moving our lives clear across the country but that didn’t stop us from keeping our tradition to serve as a family this month! It’s so important to us to keep our planet beautiful and thriving, so we rolled up our sleeves and made this pick up trash go-around fun for the kids by turning it into a scavenger hunt. They actually had fun doing it; not only did they earn 120 points and got a homemade Oreo blizzard after dinner, but they found some treasures along the way! It’s as I told them “one mans trash is another mans treasure”. 😁  older brother even found little brother a keepsake; he was stoked 😬#cleanupscavengerhunt

Making teacher appreciation “survival kits” 👩🏫. So extremely grateful for those who choose this profession and who put in the time and effort to educate, love, and inspire our little ones. It truly does take a big heart to help shape little minds ❤️❤️.

This one’s a tear jerking, goosebumps up and down your arms, kind of post. And it’s also very personal. I actually debated including the details because I didn’t want it to come off as a “look at us” post. However, I felt deeply impressed to share the details because this overall experience is a universal message: a reminder to us all that despite the fact that there are billions of people on this magnificent rotating planet of ours, God, Buddha, source energy, Brahman, Allah or whomever you know your creator to be, is aware of YOUR very existence and LOVES YOU so incredibly much! You are valuable to him, you matter to him; he’s listening to you, and he’s putting people in your path to help lift you a little bit higher. 
So this is in conjunction with our families service post we made back in August. We asked for your help in nominating a family you felt was deserving of some extra help. Our boys read through these stories and they chose this incredible mother—the sister of one of my cousins. I got permission to share a bit of her story: 
She is a mother of 6 (giving birth to quads); she is currently going through a nasty divorce; working 3 jobs to help make ends meet; and she is battling for the custody of her children whom she has been unable to see or even talk to for 90 days! Even going through all that she has, she tries to serve anyone the best way she can. 
So without knowing how much she needed, we felt impressed as a family to send her $1000. I messaged my cousin to let her know to look for the check in the mail and she wrote the following: “I told my sister about you guys yesterday and have to share with you what happened. She started to cry and proceeded to say before she could go through the temple she was told she had to be current on her tithing. She had $950 saved to pay her lawyer and her tithing was $1000, so in blind faith she made out the check not knowing how she could afford to fight for her kids and pay her tithing but she guys are truly doing God’s work!”
Tears streamed down my face when I read this. We didn’t know the amount, but God did—-the exact amount! 
This story is full of so many valuable lessons we were able to teach our boys! God blesses us when we do what is right. God loves us and hears our prayers. God knows our every need. We are his angels here on earth; we have to listen to be inspired in ways we can help our brothers and sisters. God works through many people. He inspired us to choose this as a service project for the month; he then inspired my cousin to submit her sisters story; he then inspired us to know the exact amount she needed right now! Truly amazing! 
Keep your hearts open; God is ready and ever willing to BLESS; we need to be willing to listen and GIVE!

Octobers service: making letters and sending packages to family and friends 

We were also able to serve while in NY 

This month NOVEMBER  we joined up with the kids cousins and we put together cleaning supply kits for refugees in our area. It was fun to see them working together, united in such a worthy cause 💕. Can you imagine being displaced from your country and moving to a place completely foreign to all that you know and are used too? Look around in your area for a donation center for refugees, see what you can do to help 

shopping for supplies 


This month we talked as a family about ways we could serve. There is so much gift giving and loving acts of kindness done by so many during this beautiful month of Christmas. We are always planning ways that we can serve people we don’t know; this month we decided to serve a few that we know and love so dearly. My parents and older sister were in town for the Thanksgiving holiday—having lived so far away for so many years it’s not often that we get to see them. We decided to surprise them with a morning of pampering at a spa + some extra cash in an envelope that they could only open on their drive out of town 😂—you know family is sometimes harder to serve because although they appreciate the gestures they sometimes can’t accept the gifts you want to give. That’s why we had to play like Santa’s elves and do a sneak attack move on them 😏. We are grateful for the love and service they have given us over the years and are most grateful we could give back just a little bit this year. 🎄🎄

Spreading holiday cheer to those who deserve it most: the kiddos school teachers ❤️

Dropping off a little gift to Amaris favorite person. No one deserves more thanks than this lady right here. We are so grateful for Ashley and all the love and the help she’s given to Amari these past 3 months. Making such a big decision to relocate our lives for a year was not easy, but we did it because we believe in her knowledge, care, and ability to help this little man THRIVE in being the best little man he can be. Driving 2 hours after being in school for 4 hours everyday to get treatments was a worry but he truly hasn’t complained one bit because he looks forward to the time he gets to spend with her. She has done more by way of helping our family than I can ever express. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 #toserveandbeserved

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