I love this little munchkin so much! He wanted a Toy Story Birthday this year. I seriously can't believe he is 5! He wanted to open his presents right when he woke up so we let him have at it. He LOVED his woody jammies, in fact he wore them all day/week. He loved his gun and his hat. We had breakfast at the donut shop, lunch at chick fila, and then we let him play with his new toys till all his friends came to celebrate at his party. Such a fun birthday!
Sentiments on his 4th birthday that showed up on my FB:
Happy birthday to this sweet little guy! His birth was one of the most special, and incredible memories of my life. Since that day he has been such a happy, always smiling, mischief making, boundary pushing little boy. He has an affinity for music, cars, food, everything that gives him a belly laugh, and his daddy. We love you so much August Amari, thank you for coming into this world and choosing us to be your parents! Happy 4th. #thanksforstayingintillaftervalentines
Donuts for Breakfast, his favorite

We are so grateful for friends! Love these munchkins so much! Pizza Planet, Woody’s round up, piñata, make your own potato head cupcakes, and dance party

From then until now :)
Videos of Birthday party
Wouldn’t be a birthday without a dance party

By far the funniest piñata game ever! Poor Mike!
Birthday wishes from family :)
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