"What can I say, except you're welcome!" The boys did such a good job on their "kindness bucket" (we fill up a bucket of cotton balls when they do something nice), I decided to throw them a LUAU. This was also in celebration of our beach vacay tomorrow—kicking it off in style! In the morning we had blueberry pancakes with homemade syrup and macadamia nuts. And for the Luau dinner I made a salad, fruit kabobs, Hawaiian Pizza, Pina Coladas, and for dessert coconut donuts with homemade coconut ice cream and shaved ice drizzled with our left over Pina Colada drink. We listened to Hawaiian music as we ate. Moana was my inspiration for decorating. I love having fun, spontaneous moments like this. The boys loved it!
Family Pictures will be at the beach this year! Loving all of these colors!
Packing for the beach is nearly as fun as going to the beach! Good vibes the next few days! What can I say, I love clothes :)
Let the Road Trip Begin. So grateful the boys are such excellent travelers.
Let the Road Trip Begin!
Hip hip hooray for our beach vacay! Snorkeling + Amazon review of the beach sac 😂👎🏻 + building sand castles + trying to catch these crazy fishies that kept swimming up by our feet
Best fish tacos ever! And we got to see jelly fish and a dolphin off the pier 💕
Day 2:
Beach life day 2. Beckahm and I snuck out super early before everyone else woke up. We got to see the sunrise, experience the quiet peacefulness of the ocean and even see an incredible 🌈#theworldstoodstill#moncurbeachvacay#panamacitybeach
Feeding seagulls + building sand castles + catching HUGE jelly fish—"Gi-normous" (as Amari would say ☺️) jelly fish were being washed up by the hurricane...of course we caught some + kite flying #bestofdays
Lunch at this awesome dive
Snorkeling + burying each other in the sand + braving the storm
Day 3 beach day: rising early to see another beautiful sunrise, flying kites, and eating more yummy food
Lunch at this A-mazing crepe dive + the biggest hamburger and best fries I've ever eaten for dinner + playing games while the storm passed 👌🏻👌🏻
Souvenir Shopping
Playing games before bed
Family Pictures on the beach (in another post) and then donuts at this yummy New Orleans style beignet/snowcone shop
Last day at the beach! We had ginormous pancakes for breakfast, then took a drive up to Seaside—so incredibly gorgeous. This is where the Truman show was filmed. We took pics in front of his house. We ate at some yummy food trucks and explored the city and the beach. This beach was insanely gorgeous.
We ended the night by surprising the kids with tickets aboard the Pirate Sea Dragon (I had been telling Beckahm all week that pirates were spotted off the coast and we looked for clues the 3 days we were at the beach. When we pulled up to the dock and he saw the pirate ship and the "pirates" on board, he didn't know what to do 😃😃). It was seriously the coolest thing we have ever done with them! They got to squirt water guns at each other, mop the deck while the adults sat around watching 😂, fight with swords, shoot a canon, dance, get their face painted, get pirate tattoos and a pirate hat, and the highlight was being told a story about buried treasure and then they had to go spot the treasure marker out in the ocean and got to actually help pull it out of the water. They got to pick out 3 pieces of treasure. Oh my word! It was an experience they will never forget!
Videos from the cruise
And that's a wrap
This is what we came home to:
We thought the workers would be finished doing the work by the time we got home but they weren't :(.
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