There is a time and a season for everything...
Before my second child it was beach body babe season
Now it's cellulite and varicose veins season
Now it's cellulite and varicose veins season

15 years ago it was stay up late and go dancing, now it's I can barely keep my eyes open past 10pm season

5 years ago It was never leave the house without makeup and smelling pretty, now it's "did I even take a shower today" season

I'm okay with the changing seasons of my life because ONE thing keeps getting better and better with age: Caring less what other people think and loving and accepting every single bit of the inner and outer most parts of you--the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.
Goodbye 36! Here's to a new year of living, laughing, and loving every season of life.
The older I get the more I realize birthdays should really be about celebrating and honoring the person who sacrificed so much to give you life. How grateful I am for a mother who brought me into this world 32 years ago; a mother who sacrificed so much that I might live the life I have lived. I love you so much Sharry Eastman! How grateful I am for all of my success and failures, for they have made me into the woman I am today. How grateful I am for the Lord, who steered me on paths unknown where I found happiness I could have never found had he let me walk the path of MY OWN intentions. How grateful I am to be alive, to be healthy, to live in this beautiful, free, and blessed land—America. How grateful I am for new tomorrows—for the opportunity to improve one day at a time . . .how grateful I am for a family of my own that loves me endlessly despite my flaws and continual failures; that remind me that I'm enough and inspire and encourage me follow my North Star.
Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! It's been an awesome day of reflection, love, recommitment, and strengthening of body, mind, and spirit. Cheers to 37! 

My birthday couldn't get any better: the boys woke me up singing me Happy Birthday (made my morning), I got showered with love and gifts. Mike got me a cryotherapy session (totally amazing) and a massage and then I went on a nature walk, made some new goals for the year, read at Barnes and Noble, then dinner out with my man and I did something crazy: I got my first tattoo :). I will explain the meaning behind it below.
Becks and Amari picked out these gifts: so fitting :)
Amari loves LOVE
we have always taught Becks to never give up
Such a fantastic book my mom sent me!
Hydration after a massage
nature walk through Aldridge gardens
relaxing massage
Daddy took them out and they had a blast, obviously!
This is what happens when I go grocery shopping the night before my bday: I buy my own cake
Dinner at LobDog
Why I got a Tattoo and this particular one at 37:
Sometimes we want to live out our dreams through our kids—unknowingly molding them into being who we want them to be, to have interests in things we find interesting, and to make choices we feel are the best choices for them to make. But that defeats the very purpose of our mortality—each of us here raised our hands to the law of free agency. God believed so much in our ability to tap into the divinity within us and ultimately make the right choices. Some times those choices are made by venturing down paths different and unique from our own. Sometimes they are made by first coming out of the ugly, the twisted, the darkness, the unknown....
My purpose as a mother is to love these little souls (that are simply on loan to me) unconditionally, to teach them to reach for the stars—flying whatever path it takes for them to get there. These birds represent so much more than ink on a wrist, they represent life and exhilarating freedom. They remind me to continually push my boys out of the nest of their own comfort zones and to continuously LET them BE FREE!
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