Big day today: My first Primary program since becoming Primary President π. I am excited for the kids to take the lead in sacrament and share with everyone all they have learned about their Savior, Jesus Christ, this year. I am also doing the full two hours of sharing time and music time for Primary—I made these fun song wheels for the music (one contains the songs you can change out, the other is ways to sing the song). For sharing time I am having the adults write down their impressions/compliments about the program on slips of paper for the kids to pull out and read and they get candy to decorate their cookies for all the good feedback they get (of course it will all be good π), and then of course thank you gifts to all those who helped me make this program possible π. Whew! I'll kind of be glad when this day comes to an end #primaryprogram2015 #sharingtime #music time
Ahhh we will miss this incredibly sweet, amazing lady! She was such a good counselor to work with; her sharing time lessons for the kids were out of this world! My boys loved her so much! Safe travels and best of luck in all your future endeavors friend!! #friends #hardtosaygoodbye
I was reading through some of the get well cards that the kids made for their music leader today (they call her "Aunt Donna") and it put a smile on my face; these kids are precious! Albeit I was concerned when I opened this one π³π³#kidsareprecious #getwellcards #primary
How a Sunday photo op really goes down (from left to right): 1st one: quick shot without them paying attention; 2nd one: them realizing I got a quick shot in and already fed up with taking pictures; 3rd shot: bribery—"if you want a cupcake you have to smile???" 4th shot: the bribery is forgotten, times up #therealityoflife #kid #photography #1goodshotoutof100 #sundaybest#brothers #beckahmmoment #amarimoment #suitandtie
Wow was this day ever so hard without the assistance of a husband. I am so grateful and pray every day for single mothers throughout the far as I'm concerned single moms RULE the world! This poor fella was not feeling good from the get go and even fell asleep during the program (poor guy...I did laugh though); however, I was so impressed with how he stuck through the entire 3 hours today and did his parts flawlessly! I don't know what I'd do without this little obedient natured man; he is my saving grace! Despite this being one of the craziest Sunday's, the primary kids did so well on their program; I'm so, so proud of them!! #primaryprogram2015 #beckahmmoment#sunday #detox

These are the shoes I need to be wearing today ππ. So proud of this man for memorizing his parts for the program. This was one of our practices mike recorded because he's out of town today. . So proud of all of these kids for being such lights and examples of Jesus Christ. #primaryprogram2015#abouttogodown #beckahmmoment #dontpanic
I asked Becks if he was saying his prayers all by himself because his Heavenly Father loves talking to him. His response: "yep, I asked what Heavenly Father was doing and he told me he's working out today." ππππ»
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