Playdate with friends at the Y and Chic Fil A
Domestic diva: protein bites, home made jam and applesauces, home made granola
I love his style
Yummy tomato and spinach right out of our garden
Enjoying their new pool
Gorgeous Alabama sunset
Aldridge gardens
Pool day with friends
Our lovely garden; it is getting out of control
First time mowing our new lawn with dad
Another Beckahm moment today...I woke him from his nap to find him self-tattooed literally from his pinky toe all the way up to his armpits. Me: Beckahm what did you do I?? You shouldn't write on your body. Becks: Well dad has one. Me: and you want to look like this the rest of your life? *5 minutes later* Becks: (sobbing and completely distraught) "get it off, get it off!!! #thanksforthesuntattoodad @yesmikego #likefatherlikeson #beckahmmoment#kids #tattoo #art #ohthepen #thankgoodnessforbaths
Thanks Grandpa Eastman; they still miss racing cars with you down the drive way (ours isn't nearly as cool) #grandpa #mail #tractors #beckahmmoment#amarimoment
Becks play dough creation
A girl chased beckahm around the gym trying to kiss him yesterday...These were his play dough creations today: a boy and a girl whom he insisted on getting married and sealing it with a kiss #ohno #doesitreallystartthisearly#onlymommykissestillhes20 #beckahmmoment #girls #kisses #playdough#creation #makebelieve @yesmikego totally forgot to tell you about this 😬😬
Yummy dinner tonight #grilled #burgers #sherbetfloats#grilledmushroomszuchinni #strawberry #basil #mango #salsa #delish #dinner
Made this frozen whipped pineapple ice cream tonight: similar to the one you can buy at Disneyland but 10x healthier. 2 ingredients: Frozen pineapple and almond milk . The kids devoured it...yum! #whippedpineapple #frozen#dessert #glutenfree #dairyfree #healthy #icecream #delish
So excited to start making dairy free home made ice cream!!

Some of my favorite Instagram posts
Thank you Forever 21 for my comfy $12 pants that I will probably wear all summer
I love the text I have been getting from my husband who has been on the road all week!
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