My newest hat that Santa brought me from the NP; I have nearly as many hats as shoes
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Posted by The Moncurs at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2015, random stuff
Beckahm's First Talk in Church

Posted by The Moncurs at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2015, church, inspiration, mommy moment, sunbeams, video
Date Night: Sharing is Caring
This little kid honestly astonishes me every day. We made vision boards for the boys a few days ago and one of the things we wanted Becks to work on this year was sharing so we added a picture of two kids sharing an ice cream cone. We didn't talk about the vision board after that and two days later I took him on a date.
First off he the minute he saw the photo booth at the mall he insisted on taking pictures together. He was so excited when he pulled them out of the box after they had printed; he held on to them tightly and said "mom, don't you just love our pictures; I LOVE our pictures!!" Then I took him to the toy store to play and then we went to get ice cream. As we were walking from the toy store to get ice cream I told him that on a date you held the girls hand; he took my hand in his and we walked together hand in hand through the mall :), then as we were going to get ice cream he said "mom, you are the BEST mom ever! I am having so much fun on our date! I just love you so much; you are the best mom!"
I was going to get him a cone at McDonalds but he spied a Hagendas ice cream parlor that we had passed and he insisted on ice cream from there. I held him up to show him the flavors and told him what was in each container and out of all of them he picked strawberry—this kid has always known exactly what he wants :).
As we are eating ice cream and between his "mmmm this is so goods," I could tell he was in deep thought. As two guys passed us he noticed what they were wearing which spawned this conversation he had with me: "mom, when you are on a date you wear clothes right? You aren't naked." Then as he is eating his ice cream, out of no where he says, "mom, sharing is caring!" And then he handed me his ice cream cone and told me to take a bite. He then says to me, "when you have ice cream you share it with a friend right? Just like on my vision board!" I was seriously so astounded! Tears filled up in my eyes; some times you don't know if things are registering with your kids and then out of no where they surprise you. This was just another lesson to me that it is never to young to start teaching them important principles and character traits; that these precious little souls are like sponges and will and can absorb everything you teach them. We are truly their only outlet to the outside world at this crucial time in their lives; how important it is to teach them valuable, life long lessons!
Posted by The Moncurs at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2015, Beckahm, date night, life lessons, video
Family Pictures
Posted by The Moncurs at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2014, Family Pictures, Utah