Beckahm was so excited about writing a letter to Santa Clause—his first letter!! He asked for Beyblades, a race track, superhero pjs, and a remote control car :)
Decorating the tree/house. I loved how much Beck's wanted to help and how excited he was to put up the Christmas decorations! He was so thrilled that he got Christmas decorations in his own room.
Dad wrestling the boys!
We were laughing so hard at mine
Opening some gifts before we left to AZ, Beck's got a guitar, Amari got a walker from Grandma Moncur
First time watching Polar Express; he loved it!
Off we go to AZ. The kids did so well. Amari's first time flying and he did such a great job! We had such an awesome time in Arizona with my family. We already miss them and the amazing weather so much! We are so grateful the kiddos got to meet their Grandparents and make memories with them and their cousins and Aunt and Uncle.
Meeting cousins for the first time; Beck's was so tired from the flight; he passed out in the car ride home
At the girls Xmas program
It was so cute to see Beck's wave at his cousins and clap for them
Love this family!!
Eating with cousin Nixon
Beck's loving movie night with his cousins
Stroll to get the mail
Mike shows Ty his skate tricks; she loved them!
Meeting Grandpa for the first time; Amari absolutely fell in love with Grandpa
On our way to The Polar Express
Yummy Greek restaurant
It was snowing in Flagstaff!
The Polar Express gift shop
Becks was so excited to go on The Polar Express; he watched the movie 2x before we went on it so he knew exactly what he would be doing.
Train conductor punching tickets
"Hot Hot Hot, Hot Chocolate!"
The North Pole
Beck's was so thrilled to see Santa. Santa gave him a bell with "The Polar Express" engraved on it.
A little tired an hour into it
Snowball fight at the hotel in Flagstaff; Beck's didn't really like it

Hot tub/pool time at the hotel
Mike being crazy and doing a snow angel in his swim shorts
Video recaps via Instagram
Yummy lunch dive: Mix (Flagstaff, AZ)
Grandpa joining the grandkids for a movie night
Amari's first experience with stairs. He fell down them a couple times :(
Everyone just loved happy go lucky Amari Ari
Glendale Glitters
Sunday best
I love how Beck's held his cousins hands going into nursery
Grandpa playing with Amari
Grandma playing hide and seek with her grandkids; they loved it!
Park Day. Beck's loved riding in the bike trailer.

Park video recap
Mike and I babysat all the kids and let them go down the stairs on the mattress and then Mike did a great family home evening for them.
Door bell ditching the neighbors some goodies
Making gingerbread houses
Grandpa reading a Christmas story to the kids
Mike teaches Ty how to play the piano
Uncle Dave being a goof

Sprinkling reindeer food on the lawn
Grandpa reading the Christmas story
One gift on Xmas Eve:
Both the boys got new Xmas jammies and slippers
Driving around to see the lights
Christmas Day
Amari was so excited to open his first Christmas gifts.

Beck's saw this gun in Flagstaff and he wanted it so bad....Good thing Santa does last minute shopping :)
Beck's first remote control car
Amari loved these books with sound Grandma got him
Bey Blades
Amari got yogurt bites, some rattles, chewing toys, books, a train, and a popup toy
The boys loved Meeka; especially Amari (he would follow her around every where)
Wrestling with my boys

Christmas dinner at Ben and Judy's
The boys LOVED cruising around in these cars at Judy's house
5th Year Anniversary
We celebrated by shopping, eating good food, and staying a night at Aloft hotel. It was the perfect way to celebrate our anniversary!Roaring Fork (Scottsdale, AZ)
Art festival in Scottsdale
Best breakfast: Snooze (Phoenix, AZ)
Flying home. Sad to see family go and sad to be leaving the warm AZ weather. The kiddos did great going home as well! All around it was a fantastic trip!
New Years Eve. Mike was so romantic and made hung this string of lights in the house for us. We ordered in Chinese and watched a movie.

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