Friday, September 6, 2013

Lake Martin

Mike got a full week off of work.  The company treated the guys, their kids and wives to a day of boating on a beautiful lake in Alabama: Lake Martin.  Beckahm and Amari did so well! And everyone had such a great time together!

Lee Woods: aka Amari's best friend :)

Beckahm LOVED the jet skies

Beck's best buddy: Bentlee

Henry and Indie Rose

Of course Amari was loving it! What a trooper he was! He didn't make one fuss the entire day being on the lake!!

Lee, Britton and Bentlee

Becks out boating with his friends

Treyhton tries to small wake board

Someone decided to try the kiddy wake board (haha, he actually did pretty good) 

Tipping the jet ski

Good old Ben has a go at it ::)

The kiddos did great! Pretty amazing considering there were so many of us and we were there all day!

This never happens: Beckahm being so tired he actually wanted to snuggle up to me.  I was soaking it all in!

Trying food for the first time

Instagram shots of the day