Well buddy, there was a guardian angel looking out for you today. We were at the pool with some friends and I never tend to worry about you because you never get near the water (you haven't shown much interest, especially when it is cold). 20 minutes prior, my good friend Wendy, saw you nearing the edge and called you to my attention. I told her I wasn't worried, that you never ventured in on your own before. Later, we were talking to a friend of ours, who was blocking my site. Wendy and I looked up to see a little boy who looked to be swimming in the pool, about 10ft from the edge. We both, in glancing, thought he was Wendy's boy, Rhett (your little buddy). About 20 seconds later our friend glanced out at the pool and said "is that little boy drowning?" It hit Wendy and I at the same time, we knew it was you. I went into a state of shock (I was holding Amari at the time) and thank goodness Wendy reacted so quickly; she ran into the pool and pulled you out. You had been kicking your arms and feet the best you could, the entire time, and it seemed you didn't swallow any water. You were in a state of fear and shock and you cried a bit, looking at me with terror in your little eyes (broke my heart). We ended up estimating you had been in there probably 30 seconds to a minute. I honestly don't know how you survived other than you must have remembered the few lessons we gave you when you were younger, and that a guardian angel was keeping you in his care. I have never been so scared thinking I could have lost you in a moments notice.
I was so apprehensive about you nearing the pool again, in fact I had nightmares about it a few days after. But you were amazing at overcoming your fear as quickly as you did. You let Daddy take you in the water (with some convincing) just ONE week after the incident. We were SO proud of you, and SO grateful you made it through this near death experience.
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