Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sweet Home Alabama!!

It was not easy getting out of KY to say the very least, there were so many loose ends to tie but finally we were on the road.  I am so grateful my mom was able to come out and help us drive; there is no way I could have made the drive without her.  If only I could have had what transpired on video, holy laugh out loud hysterical.  I wasn't able to breastfeed or pump because we were driving and I was DYING, I was in so much pain.  Finally the pain became way too unbearable that I had to pull Amari from the back seat and see if he would nurse, and of course he wouldn't.  I racked my brain with ideas on how to remedy the situation and I glanced down in my purse and saw my water bottle.  I took the darn lid off and while my mom was driving and I was still holding Amari, I manually pumped my milk into my water bottle (in traffic, next to a bunch of semi's mind you . . . I am so grateful Mike's windows were extra tinted).  It was a moment where I could either cry or laugh and I chose the latter.  My mom and I were nearly peeing our pants at how ridiculous this scene was; it was seriously one of the dumber moments of my existence.

We made it into Alabama really late so we didn't get to see much of the scenery but upon waking we were presently surprised.  The area we live in is super affluent and GORGEOUS.  The scenery is not what I expected (having driven through swampy Mobile on our way to FL); it is wooded, green, rolling hills, and simply breathtaking.  We thought the weather would be a bit warmer but there has been a bitter chill the past few days.

We got all of our things moved in and pretty much settled in 3 days (thanks to Mike and my mom).  We have ventured out to see a bit of the area and have fallen in love with the local communities and homes we have come across.  I can see why people live in Alabama—super cute homes.  AND the people I have come across just in the past few days have been just as warm and welcoming as those in KY (gotta love that southern hospitality).

APT treated us to a yummy dinner at Bonefish where we dinned on practically everything on the menu (lobster, tilapia, coconut shrimp, calamari, crabcakes, lobster corn chowder . . . YUMMY).  They also bought us passes to the YMCA which I went to today with Becks.  The ladies at kids club were wonderful with Beckahm, he felt so comfortable with them! My mom and I have been trying to get out and see a bit of the area before she leaves.  Today we went to a really awesome flight museum, which Beckahm loved! He got to see all of the airplanes and helicopters.  On display was a Russian helicopter that was shot down while flying through Afghanistan—it was one of the coolest things I have seen.

It has definitely been an adjustment having two kids.  I have been blessed to have so much added help from my mom.  I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves.  I have to get on a better schedule with the kids and make myself take it easy (something that does not come naturally to me).

Ari is a bit sick, poor little guy :(, and Beck's is becoming more of a handful every day (terrible two's: NO THANK YOU)! I am exhausted and I am impressed that I even had time to update our blog!  GOODNIGHT!!

Some random pictures of the past two weeks!

Beckahm helping put lotion on Amari

 Our new apartments

 Brother's have story time with Daddy

 Grandma Eastman


 Yogurt, KY

 Monkey Joes, KY


First night in Alabama, all tuckered out!
Having a picnic with Grandma and his stuffies

Vulcan Park 

Best ice cream: Everglade Creamery 

APT Dinner 

 Aircraft Museum

Science Museum 

 This boy was so sweet to Beckahm, he helped him with the balls and took care of him!

 Park by our new place

 Getting ready to play in the stream

 Oh Natural!

 And that is how we do it in Alabama folks!!

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