Sunday, March 31, 2013

Random Happenings

Weekly Happenings in the Moncur home! 

Having fun on the extra mattress we had laying around the house

 Beckahm LOVES dressing up and he is so particular about what he wears each day.  I love the one "moo moo" slipper.

 This is how I find him when I don't swaddle him; cracks me up!

 Getting ready (FINALLY) for a dinner out with my fam!

 Pinches Tacos, Alabama

He loves to have his hands by his face when he sleeps

 Mike has been traveling so much since we moved here.  We have missed him being gone (all the faces=all the emotions).  SOOO STOKED he is coming home in a day!

 This is how quiet time/afternoon naps look at our house (note the sticker on his foot and leg :)

  Playing at the park with his buddy Rhett Anderson!


  1. I loved looking at your Easter celebration so cute. Such handsome boys!! The mattress, oh what fun! I remember when we used the mattress with Ashton in NC! Oh the joys of a simple mattress, just like a blanket to keep toddlers entertained. Glad you could be with Mike over the holiday and enjoy your family! Hope you have a spectacular week. Love you!

  2. Fun stuff. It's weird to see a baby in your posts, I sometimes forget you have two:) Nixon always had to sleep with his hands by his face also.
