Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

A day to celebrate those we love!

Things I love about Mike:
  • He is dedicated to his job and working to support our family (even in the freezing cold weather)
  • He is the best Daddy to Beckahm (he teaches him new things, he plays with him, he gets up with him in the mornings, he makes him pancakes, he puts him to bed, he reads him books . . . he is so loving with our little boy)
  • He helps me out around the house (he unloads the dishwasher, he helps me clean, he does the laundry, he helps me clean up the dishes after dinner . . . the list goes on and on)
  • He can make me laugh
  • He is creative
  • He likes helping me do projects (and he does the projects he doesn't necessarily like doing because they are important to me)
  • He likes eating good food and likes trying new restaurants
  • He loves traveling
  • He loves my brother Dave :)
  • He is athletic 
  • He paints pictures for our boy's rooms
  • He likes decorating the house with me
  • He sets high goals and pushes himself to never settle for less
  • He is a positive thinker
  • He is always trying to improve as an individual
  • He never gives up
  • He is calm, and low key
  • He appreciates all I do as a mother 
  • He expresses gratitude
  • He's got a gorgeous physic :) 
Things I love about Beckahm:

  • His giggle
  • His smile
  • His kisses
  • That he mimics me
  • That he loves cooking with me and going grocery shopping with me
  • That he waves and blows kisses to everyone we say goodbye to (stranger and otherwise)
  • That he is such an observer
  • That he is a good listener
  • That he is such a big helper around the house (he is so good at cleaning up his toys)
  • That he loves to draw
  • That he loves figuring out how things work
  • That he is so reverent
  • That he is so smart (I tell him or teach him something once and he remembers it)
  • That he LOVES reading books
  • That he loves dancing and loves singing 
  • That he is so funny; he has the best sense of humor
  • That he loves being with his mommy and daddy
  • That he gets along with other kids
  • That he is non-aggressive (if another kid pushes him down he doesn't reciprocate)
  • That he mimics Barney and other shows he watches
  • That he is starting to say so many words now; I love hearing him talk 
  • That he gives me eskimo and butterfly kisses
  • That he rubs my belly and lifts my shirt to show me my belly button
  • That he is so expressive with his hand gestures, signs, and his own "Beckonian"ways of communicating
  • I love that he points to his ear when he hears a sound he is familiar with, especially when he hears an airplane in the sky or when he hears a fire engine (he always tries to spot out the location of the fire trucks or ambulance's on the road)
  • That he knows exactly what he wants 
  • That he is pretty patient for his age 
  • That he loves FHE and every time I say it is FHE he runs to grab his scriptures in his room (without me even reminding him)—this totally melts my heart and astonishes me.  He is so bright. 

Valentines box I made for Becks. Mike and I attached candy to the back of his Valentines and wrote down things we loved about him on the back of cut out hearts. 

Beck's friends gave him Valentine's

V-Day card from G&G Moncur

 PB cookies for the APT girls!

 My little Valentine's banners (I loved how they turned out): 

Mommy's Valentine's 


Daddy's Valentine's


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