Monday, October 8, 2012

Our Move to Kentucky

These past two weeks have tested me beyond my regular day in, day out trials.  First we got the news that we had to leave Florida and move to Kentucky in less than a week and a half.  I will not sugar coat how I handled the news; I think I went through all the emotional stages: anger, sadness, stress, frustration, and pain.  It was hard to wrap my mind around us leaving a place we barely became accustomed with and a home we barely got settled in (5 months time) and re-pack all of our belongings and travel cross country—16 hours—once again and move into a new place.  The stress of packing all our things, canceling everything (cable, insurance, mailing address, all our personal information), and doing it all in less than a week with a toddler who seemed to follow me around and unpack everything I just packed nearly killed me.

I was also extremely bummed about the move because I had been training for two weeks to become an instructor, had just auditioned for the job and was hired.  I was looking forward to this part-time work so much! Oh well, another thing I can say I did—cross it off my bucket list (at least I know I was eligible and would have made a heck of a great instructor even at 5 months prego :).

The major stress also came from us JUST getting health insurance and finding a good doctor who knew all about my previous post delivery issues and was ready to have a specialist on hand if I needed one this go-around.  Getting insurance was so stressful and it was such a miracle when we finally got approved; now we had to start the process all over again—ugh!

Then, if all of this wasn't enough, we had our first ultrasound with the perinatal specialist and good news was we found out we were having a boy!!! The not so good news: they found a white mark on his heart and a cyst on his brain.  We were called into the genetic counselors office who told us they needed to run some added test to check the chromosomes and to make sure everything was normal.  There could be some serious complications with our baby.

I had some amnio fluid removed and it was sent off for testing; we had to wait two weeks for the news. I was emotionally done at this point; I could barely handle everything that was happening all at once.  It was also discouraging to think I had to re-explain everything all over again to a Dr. in Kentucky.  Mike and I were so concerned about our little guy and just prayed for a miracle that he would be okay.

Well, after what seemed like an endless, daunting task, we got all our things packed and headed for Kentucky.  We stopped in TN and made it the rest of the way the following day.  It was such a needed relief to have one of the guys drive our truck out for us and to have guys help us move in all of our things upon arrival.  We were also so pleased about the location of our apartment, the layout of our apartment (which is brand new and is situated by a lake), and how beautiful our area is.

After being here a week we have fallen in love with it.  Lexington is one the most beautiful places I have ever lived and visited.  They are not wrong with their description of Kentucky: rolling green hills with endless white picked fences and horse pastures.  Every lawn is pristinely manicured.  We live just outside of the city, and we live in a nice affluent area, right by a high school— it is such a perfect location for us.

We are also LOVING the fall season.  It has been a few years since we have been able to live in a changing climate.  I LOVE IT! It is MY TYPE of climate.  I love the fall—all of the beautiful leaves, the crisp autumn air, all the festivities!!! There is so much history here as well—Lexington is civil war country and there are many civil war sites to see.   It is also home to Keeneland Racetrack—one of the largest race tracks in the nation.  Lexington is such a cool city; you've got the college right downtown, art museums, a theater district, and the Lexington Center where concerts and basketball games are held.   There are farmers markets all year, tons of Halloween festivities, and as mentioned, many historical sites to see.

We also live right by a little forest with a path and bridges—what has become our nightly walking route.

Beckahm LOVES it here.  He has never lived where there is ACTUAL grass he can run around on, or such beautiful nature.  He loves running around and seeing all the squirrels in the trees, running and rolling down the hills, seeing the lake by our house, playing outside for hours.  The first time he walked through the forest he kept pointing and "ooohing and ahhhing"; he was freaking out with excitement.

As far as location goes we are happier to be in Kentucky.  It was fun to live in AZ, where he got to experience the dessert, and it was fun to live in Florida where he got to experience the beach, and now he gets to live in the country.  It is crazy how many times he has moved (4x) and he is only a year—one lucky boy!! I think Mike and I have officially moved more times than my parents in 4 years of marriage: 8x.

It is even crazier to know Beck's was born in AZ, and this one born will be born in KY.  I told Mike our third will have to be born some where tropical :).

**The best news came at the end of the week: all the test results on our little guy came back negative! WHEW! What a miracle! Now we can officially start planning.  I can't believe I am over half way there!

Last pics before we left:

Such a big boy brushing his own teeth!

 Empty home

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