Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!

I was so grateful Mike was able to take the day off and spend it with Beck's and me and his work friends.  We had a great time letting off fireworks (sparklers) with Beck's in the morning; he loved the snap ones that your throw.  We spent the afternoon at the beach with Mike's work buddies.  We had fun swimming in the ocean, playing and socializing.  We headed home to Beck's could take and afternoon nap and then we headed back to the beach to have dinner at Burger-fi and watch fireworks with every one.  There is nothing like watching some fireworks over the water; it is gorgeous.  We were excited to see how Beck's would react since he was a little too young to appreciate them last year. He LOVED them! It was so precious to hear him "ohhh and ahhhh" and point to the sky when he saw them go off.

It was such a nice, relaxing day.  We missed spending it with family but we enjoyed our time in sunny, beautiful Florida.  How grateful we are for all those who sacrifice so much that we might enjoy the freedoms we do! Although America is far from perfect, there is no place on earth I would rather live and raise my family.

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