Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Holiday's are only that much greater with kids! I loved celebrating this weekend—Easter—with Beck's!

The Easter bunny came Sunday morning and hid his basket in the dryer. Daddy helped him find it and he was SOOOO excited when he saw it in the dryer! He loved playing with all of his new toys. We had a wonderful day at church. It was our last Sunday so it was definitely bitter sweet. I am thankful I had the opportunity, being asked by my RS President at the end of our RS lesson, to share my testimony with the ladies in my ward and let them know how much Mike and I love this ward, how much they have been there to support, offer service, and love to us. We have never felt so much at home than here in this ward.

After church we had dinner and an Easter egg hunt at Kimber's parents home. It was such a yummy dinner! And Beck's had fun playing with the plastic eggs. It is always fun to be with Judy and Ben and the rest of Kimber's family. They are so warm and welcoming! We will definitely miss them when we leave!

Here are some pics of our weekend (Beck's watercoloring for the first time, and him coloring Easter eggs which left him looking like a little Smurf :).

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