Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moving to FL

It is official, we are moving once again, to Boca Raton FL! We will be SO sad to leave Dave and Kimber and their adorable kiddos! It has been so much fun living near them and being able to spend time going out to eat, playing racquetball, going boating, going out to movies, hanging out with Kimber's family, and just sitting around enjoying each others company. Hopefully after we are done working in FL we will be able to move back; who knows where we will end up??? But we do know that we have grown to LOVE AZ.

We will also miss the friends we have made and the wonderful ward we have loved and called home for nearly two years!

Off to new and exciting adventures! We are excited to live by the beach, take Beck's to the ocean, Disney World, Sea World, to be able to travel the East Coast, and make new friends in sunny FL. Most of all we feel good about the job possibilities with this new company and hope it will be a good fit for our little family.

We hope as many of our family will come and visit—take advantage of all FL has to offer!!

Besides saying good bye, two things I am NOT looking forward to: the 37 hour car ride (two cars, a Uhaul, a cat, and Beckahm), and packing up all of our things. Wow, this will take us 5 days to get there . . . I look forward to it being over!!


  1. BOOOO, we're so sad you're leaving us and hope you WILL move back some day!! It's been so fun hanging out and getting to know you guys better and has been so fun to be close to you guys for Beckahms first year! We wish you guys the best on your new adventures and will miss you!

  2. We look forward to many visits to one of our favorite places. We love Florida and hope you will too!!!
