Friday, March 16, 2012

Grandpa Barber's Funeral

Things were rush, rush, rush days following the news of my Grandpa's passing. I knew I HAD to attend his funeral. Mike was supportive of me going and my mom and dad helped make it happen. That weekend, Sunday, Shelbie (a good friend from my ward) took Beck’s and me to the airport. It was a super hard, stressful flight. I ran into some extremely rude people (one guys son who was sitting next to Beck’s and me was allergic to cats, and his dad ended up trading seats with him, which I didn't mind, but he wouldn’t look at us or speak to us, he even made a comment about his disgust of us having a cat to the guy sitting on our row. Another lady leaned back and told me to stop Beckahm from hitting our tray because it was bothering her. AND my layover in San Francisco was a nightmare—had 20min to get to my connecting flight, which was clear across the airport, had to go through security again, no one was helping me with information, and they wouldn’t let me on because they wouldn’t give me a boarding pass for Becks. It was the biggest nightmare, I was RUNNING through the airport with Beck’s, I nearly missed my flight, Beck’s was acting up really bad going through security . . . it was a hard flight).

Flight wise Beck's overall did exceptionall well. Two different passengers told me he was the best baby traveler they knew, and one even complimented me on being a mother. Every person we passed in the airport laughed and made comments on his hair, which got old after a while, but Beck’s will always be known for his hair.

Dave flew in a few days before me and was at the house when I arrived. We stayed up late letting Becks walk around; it was so fun to hang out with the fam.

Monday we hung around in the morning, went on a few errands to get some baby food and stuff for the luncheon, waited for family to get in (Deirdre, the twins, my aunt and uncle and Sharisse flew in from Iowa to Portland late Sunday night , stayed in Portland and drove four hours this morning to get to GP . . . They were only staying 24 hours—CRAZY)! It was awesome to see everyone at the viewing later that evening. Every one of my siblings were there—all of us reunited after 4 years.

I was a little emotional seeing my grandpa in his casket, but I felt total peace at the same time. I knew he was in a better place, and I knew that he was celebrating being in the presence of my Grandma and his family. I could feel their presence in the room. In talking to people that were there soon after he passed, I learned that he was reading his scriptures right before he passed (they were open to Timothy); he also passed on my brother Stacey’s birthday and that morning Stace actually stopped in front of my Grandma’s picture and said to her “you will soon be reunited with your husband Grandma!” He told people that he felt her presence that day, before he found out Grandpa passed.

My mom’s siblings were there with some of their children—everyone but her sister Melanie

After the funeral service we went to the church and had dinner, socialized, went over Tuesday's memorial service. Again, it was so nice to be reunited together as family; I felt so close to my cousins, aunts, uncles, and siblings. I LOVE my family so much; I wanted these days with them to last forever! It was so awesome for Beckahm to meet his Great Grandpa, even though it wasn’t the ideal setting, and to meet his extended family. We sure are a crazy, fun bunch.

Tuesday we had Grandpa’s memorial service in the morning. We actually woke up to snow, ice, and cold that morning, which is ironic because Grandpa hated the snow and cold. We watched the grandkids carry his casket, Don—my uncle—blessed his gravesite and we took pictures with family.

Some of my siblings and me went to breakfast before heading to the church for the service. The service was emotional. My uncle Don had asked me, prior, if he could borrow what I wrote (below) for my Grandparents years ago, for his part of the service, which I was honored by. It was hard to hear because it stirred so many emotions I felt when I first wrote it, but it also made me feel like I shared my voice about the love I had for my Grandpa. My mom also shared a part of my tribute. Everyone of their kids (my mom and uncles) did a great job memorializing my Grandpa. It was fun to hear stories about his life that I didn’t know and to be reminded of the beauty of the temple sealing and how we will all be with each other again one day if we so choose by the way we live our life.

There were also a few beautiful musical numbers performed (all of the grandkids sang the last song—even Beck’s joined in).

After the service we had a luncheon and viewed a slideshow that Jenn and James put together of my Grandpa and Grandma. Viewing their life stirred so many emotions: I cried, I was sad, I laughed, I longed to have that type of relationship, love, and memories in my marriage, and I felt honored to know I was apart of their vast posterity sitting in that room. It was such a humbling feeling to know that we all came from these two beautiful, amazing people.

After the luncheon people started heading out to travel home. It was a bit sad and hard to say goodbye; our time together was so short. Those who stayed gathered in the RS room and my three uncles and mom sat in front as a “panel” and allowed us to ask any question we wanted answered about our Grandparents. It was awesome to have such candid conversation and to learn so many things about my Grandparents, my mom and uncles. We also discussed keeping the family together and how we have the responsibility to stay connected now that my Grandparents are gone by having a reunion every three years. We attentively planned 2015, JULY 4! I am super excited and will do everything I can to make it happen. I could feel my Grandparents desire for us to remain close and the expectation they have for us to keep tabs on each other now that they are both gone.

That night my siblings gathered at Stacey's and goofed around—again it was so good to be with each other after so many years of being apart. This trip made me realize how important family is, how strong we are considering all of the trials and strife we have gone through, how forgiving we are, and how much love exists between us. It is astonishing how we can all gather together in one room after all we have been through. You could say Grandpa brought us together and mended broken hearts and spirits.

It was hard saying goodbye to everyone and going our separate ways . . . best two days!!

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