Sunday, December 25, 2011

Our Christmas

I have to say the people who told me Christmas was so much better with kids were right! It was so much fun to see Becks—although he didn't quite grasp what was going on—open his gifts and participate in all of the Holiday cheer!

We were fortunate this year to spend the Holiday with Kimber's family—The Schaubs. We spent Christmas Eve enjoying some mexican food, watching the kids open their Christmas pjs, watching Ty, Madix, and Tayte sprinkle reindeer food on the grass, and driving around a neighborhood Kimber grew up in (known for it's array of illuminaries and Christmas lights). We spent the night Christmas Eve, which was a bit hard for Beckahm (he had a rough night adjusting to the unfamiliar environment) and Dave who got sick with the flu.

Christmas morning we watched all the kiddos open their stockings and gifts. It was so much fun to watch Beckahm open his presents. He loved playing with the ribbon and the wrapping paper more then his toys. He did, however, LOVE Ben and Judy's animated life size Santa Clause (he had a fun time dancing with it), and he loved his dancing Elmo that his cousin Lily got for him.

We hung out and had fun napping (catching up on some much needed sleep from the lack thereof the night before), socializing (Mike, Kimber, Kyle, and Dave got to play with Mikes new table tennis game Santa got him), and eating some yummy Christmas dinner/dessert.

We wanted to thank the Schaubs for their hospitality and for the yummy food and thoughtful presents. We wanted to thank our parents for their thoughtful gifts for both us and Becks. He loved his books and his toys. And we wanted to thank Lily, Stace and Shayna for Becks presents—so thoughtful and generous.

We had a fun Christmas celebrating with family and friends and watching Becks experience his very first Christmas. We look forward to spending the new year in Utah with Mike's family, my sister, and friends.

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