Thursday, August 18, 2011

Utah Vaca

Being silly, waiting to board our plane
Beckahm and I created some wonderful memories during our visit to Utah.

It was Beckahm's first flight and I wasn't sure what to expect (the worst I suppose). Mike helped me get through security which ran smoother than I had expected, and then he said goodbye to us and headed to his terminal to catch his flight to Indi. Right when we parted ways I missed him. It was going to be hard on both Beckahm and me to have him gone for such a long time.

Beckahm was incredible during the flight. He drank his bottle and then slept the entire way—not a peep. The change in altitude also didn't have any affect on him, which I was worried about from other people telling me horror stories. I feel so fortunate to have had a good first experience, giving me confidence that I can travel with an infant on my own. I know I will have horror stories to come so I reveled in this first experience being a good one.

Jaxen, Maile, and Michelle greeted us at the SLC airport. I nearly cried seeing them; it has been a long time since I saw my sis and her family. Our trip was packed full of visits with family and friends. It was so wonderful to be able to have my sister Michelle, her husband Jared, and her two little kids—Jaxen and Maile —meet Beckahm for the first time. I am so grateful I was able to stay with them and have Beckahm become familiar with a family I love so much. He was also fortunate to meet his auntie Deirdre and her two precious/adorable kiddos— Jaida and Ashton—as they were in town the day we arrived. I wasn't quite sure how Beckahm would do around so many people he didn't know, but he LOVED everyone! It was so funny to see him already have a preference for boys. He loved his cousin Jaxen; he was smitten right from the get go. Jaxen was constantly making him laugh and smile as he'd play with him. And every time Maile entered the room he would look for her and stare in awe as she'd talk to him and play with him. He definitely became super attached to this family.

The day we spent with Deirdre and the kids was so much fun. We got to visit, play at the park (Beckahm rode on a swing with Jaida for the first time and loved it! It was so precious seeing them in the same swing together). Michelle took us to a great pizza restaurant—Cafe Galleria—in Midway and then we came back to Michelle's and watched the kids play while we chatted away about Mommy stuff. It is nice for all of us to have children and to get together and all relate on the same level.

Other activities B and I did when we were in Utah: I was able to meet up with a few of my girlfriends who I also haven't seen in a while and who haven't met Beckahm. I was able to go to dinner with Alicen (she is due any day now with her first—yeah)! It was so good to catch up, she always enlightens me with useful advice. I met up with Megan and her husband Steve for dinner in Park City one night. They loved meeting Beckahm. It was so good to catch up with them, they are such a sweet couple. I saw Les at Alpine Days and then we got together for dinner one night. It is amazing how you can go without seeing people for an extended period of time and then pick right back up where you left off—a sign of a true friendship. And I was fortunate to catch up with Bethany and one of her cute girlfriends and their babies for a hike up to Bridal Veil Falls before she flew back to Indi to be with our men. I am so grateful for good friends and the wonderful company they provide! It was so much fun having them all meet Beckahm.

Michelle and I were also fortunate to meet up with my adorable nephew Armon that we love so much. We went to Alpine Days, then hit up Rib City for an early dinner, Sub Zero Ice Cream for dessert and caught the movie "Cars II." We had a great time being goofy and visiting with each other—it has been way to long since I have seen my nephews, I miss them so much! Later we were able to visit with Alec, his brother, who was taking the SAT's and couldn't spend the day with us.

Michelle and I went to Gateway one afternoon and were able to meet up with Mikes family—Lauri and his sister Alli and her adorable daugher Ava. It was so precious seeing Ava interact with her new cousin, she couldn't get enough of him. And of course Alli and Mike's mom adored him. It took him about 20 minutes to warm up to them (he gets that way with people he isn't familiar with, it is so funny to see), but once he did he was all smiles and laughs. Later that week B and I were able to go over to their house, just the two of us, and spend some quality time with them. Beckahm was able to meet his Grandma Jensen, which was such a special moment for both of them. We were also fortunate to catch Auntie Rachel and Beckahm's cousins Jayden and Jensen, as they just drove into town an hour before we left back up to Midway. Mike and rest of the gang were definitely missed; we wished they could have been there with us!

Some other fun stuff we did during our visit: I took Jaxen, Maile, and Beckahm to the Wasatch State Park to feed the ducks. It was the first time Beckahm saw ducks; it was so fun to watch him stare at them in awe. Michelle and I went pursusing and shopping at the Park City outlets and then had some din din at Cafe Rio. One evening Michelle took me to the Homestead to try out their sweet potato fries topped with blue cheese—YUM! One night Jared barbequed steak—so delish, and on Sunday we had a wonderful homemade meal Jared made with tons of fresh veges and salmon burgers. I was able to make the kids my homemade popcorn which is always such a yummy treat! One day we went down to Orem and ran some errands at the mall and then went and got some yummy frozen yogurt at Yogurt Land. Another evening we got some yummy snow cones in Midway. Beckahm and I were able to watch Jaxen and Maile ride their bikes and do tricks; I played the Wii with Jaxen and he schooled me at that and at ping pong, pool, and foos ball which we played one afternoon in his clubhouse. Dang that kid is good at everything! But I did win him when we played the board game "Life." :)

It was so much fun hanging out with my sis, Jared, and her adorable kids; we created so many wonderful memories. I honestly don't know how Beckahm and I will function without these friendly faces around us each and every day.

Despite the flight home being delayed 45 min, and Beckahm having a major blow out on the plane, everything went smoothly; he actually slept again the entire way. Everyone around me commented on how well he did—no one heard a word from him :). I know those peaceful flights will soon be few and far between, so I am relishing in them now.

I love my baby boy so much, I am so proud of him. He he did awesome the entire trip, from start to finish. He hardly ever cried and he was constantly giving laughs and smiles to everyone. He acclimated so well to a new environment, new people, and off schedule, and an unfamiliar crib. He rolled over four times in a row while on vacation, started standing so much more and actually stomping his right foot, which makes me giggle every time I see him do it; he started talking more, and becoming more comfortable with people he's not familiar with. I feel so fortunate that my first child has been such a sweet, happy baby.

What a fun trip we had! We miss everyone already but it is good to be home.

All the pics of our vaca:

1 comment:

  1. We love and miss you! I had not realized you had taken so many pictures! I am never good at that like you and Dre. Thanks for coming! It was so great to just relax and have you here. It almost seemed normal! Just like you were apart of our little family. Loves to you all. Thank you for taking the time to come and let us get to meet your precious wonderful addition to your family.
