Monday, May 30, 2011

Moncur Family Visit

Lauri, Bob, and Spencer were sweet enough to drive from UT to be with us over Memorial Weekend. It was so much fun having them here to meet Beckahm for the first time. He loved meeting his new Uncle Spencer and of course his Grandparents Moncur.

Besides spending as much time adoring, playing, and loving Beckahm, Mike and I took them to The Ranch Market and got some yummy mexican food and toured around the market to experience an authentic Mexican environment :). We had dinner at our house Friday night and then walked over to West Gate to look around and get some yummy frozen yogurt for dessert. Saturday we laid by the pool in the morning and then Mike took his family to Scottsdale so Spencer could go to a magic shop he found online while I stayed home with Beckahm and napped. Saturday evening we went to a really great German restaurant in downtown Glendale; it was fun to listen to the music and eat yummy food. We finished the evening with a movie—Country Strong—not the best message but the music was good. Sunday, Mike took his family to our sacrament meeting while I stayed home with B, and then we relaxed at home the rest of the day visiting, playing cards, and having a BBQ.

It was so much fun to have them here and to have Beckahm meet his Daddy's family! Thanks for coming! We can't wait to come out to Utah to spend more time with you and see everyone else!

Update on Little Beckahm:

I can’t believe he is already 3 weeks old; one more week and he will be a month! Time has gone by so quickly. At his three week mark he hit a growth spurt and has been eating more rigoursously (every 2 hours verses three). He is growing so much; he gets bigger everyday. And his hair keeps growing as well. I am starting to think it will turn into a sandy blonde now more than red as the red is fading away more and more every day.

As long as I keep him on his schedule, make sure he naps well and feeds well, he is such a good baby. And even when I don’t keep him on his schedule he is still a good baby. He still sleeps through the night (not once have we had to get up during the night to feed him), it is incredible. I know it is wishful thinking, but I hope all of my kids are like this; he has been such a good boy! He is also becoming more aware of who we are and all of his surroundings as his vision is developing more. It is incredible to see him smile and laugh more. One of the sweetest moments this past week was when Mike was holding him after a nap and he hadn’t seen me yet and once he heard my voice and his eyes focused on me he got the biggest smile on his face and just gazed at me; he was so happy to see his Mommy. It melted my heart; it made me so grateful to be a mom and experience such tender moments.

Other adorable things about B: He loves giving me open mouthed kisses. He loves talking with Mike and me when we have conversations with him. He grunts and makes the cutest sounds when he feeds. He talks in his sleep (like his Daddy). Now that we are able to fully bathe him, he LOVES his baths; he’ll just sit there calm, enjoying the warm sudsy water. Mike and I also love all of the different faces he makes (from funny to cute); he is just so stinkin adorable!

Mike goes back to work starting today, Memorial Day; it will be hard to not have him around as much as I have this past weekend. I love being with him and it definitely helps having him assist me on a daily basis with Beckahm. We are hoping the company works out and that he can start making the money we need to get through the next few months. It is a leap of faith we are taking, but we feel if we stick with it the reward will be great. We also move into our new place on June 11! I am excited to be in a two bedroom and have more space.

I am adjusting to motherhood well; I am getting the hang of things— learning B’s cues more and more as the days pass. As far as my healing is concerned I haven't taken the time to relax and allow myself to heal appropriately. I rarely nap, I am constantly going on errands, lifting things, and being busy. Somedays I feel the pain more than others but I am getting through it.


  1. I haven't checked blogs in months. I've been thinking about you though and have been wondering if he had arrived. He is absolutely ADORABLE! When are you coming to Utah? I'd love to see you!

  2. What a great time! Thanks for the memories. We love you guys!
