Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My First Publication

I FINALLY got an official copy of my first publication in Stance, a journal BYU puts out bi-annually about issues relating to the family. My last semester at BYU I decided to take the chance and submit an essay for publication in this journal. I honestly didn't think anything would come of it. A few weeks after submission I was contacted by the editor who told me that out of over a hundred submissions they were only choosing 30 and mine was one of them! I can't even tell you how excited I was by the news. My first publication! I felt like all of my hard work had paid off and this was only the icing on the cake.

After re-working draft after draft I finally completed the last revision last summer and it was printed and published in their Winter 2010 addition. I finally got my first hard copy of the journal in the mail Wednesday. Even though I wouldn't classify it as my best work, I am so proud to see my name in a publication—one of my dreams come true.

I miss the way my mind would expand with new found knowledge on a daily basis while I was in school. I look forward to maybe one day getting my Masters, but in the mean time I anticipate all of the teaching moments I will have with Beckahm about such topics as literature, philosophy, the arts, etc.—so many areas of study I gained such a passion for in college.


  1. I am so proud of you!!! How exciting. I would love to read it!!!! Can you email me a copy? So cool, very very cool!

  2. What a fabulous thing to have had done. Way to go.

  3. You really got me inerested but then it stopped!! I already told you when you first mentioned being published that I want to read I'm first girls!
    You are amazing....of course I've known that forever!

  4. Kudos!!! Sounds like a wonderful honor to a bright mind! So proud of and happy for you. I'd love to read it!
