Friday, April 29, 2011

Blind Sided

Our recent Dr. appt, on the 26th, revealed that Beckahm is in perfect condition. He passed his ultrasound exam— 8/8— and I was right on track (only dilated at a 2). After this prognosis I was a bit frustrated when the Dr. said we should plan on inducing this weekend because he didn't want to go past 40 weeks. He asked when I would like to induce and I hesitantly said Sunday, TWICE, but for some reason (which I came to find the reason out later) he scheduled me to be induced Friday (tonight) evening.

The few days that passed between my appt and my supposed date to induce, tonight, Mike and I did a lot of research about inducing. We also calculated, again and again, when we conceived (we actually know when the date was because I was out of town for 3 weeks at the time estimated by the Doctor), and we took into consideration all of the reports we've received at each Dr. visit: telling us that Beckahm is in prime position, that I haven't dilated to more than a 1 or a 2, and that my cervix and placenta are "perfect." After looking into it more we strongly felt that our little guy should be given the chance to come on his own. I have not been given any red flags as to why I need to induce, and after our calculations and the first ultrasound calculation we received in Seattle, we realized the Dr. has been off 1 week the entire time. I don't even hit 40 weeks until May 6th. After doing research on various procedures Doctors do and some of the reasons they do it, for example why he wanted to induce me on Friday instead of my wish which was on Sunday—so it could be more convenient for the Doctor delivering my baby; so she could have her weekend off—we realized how grateful we were to have stuck to our guns and followed our instinct. I am not going to write much more about things we have come to find out in our research—things that are honestly so scary now a days about birthing procedures—but I will encourage anyone who becomes pregnant to DO RESEARCH. Look at both sides and at every option, because you have options. Just because some one went to school to become a Dr. doesn't make him or her an expert on everything. I am grateful for my experience with my Dr.; I know I was blessed to be under his care, but there are certain opinions I don't agree with and don't feel like I need to be pressured to follow, especially when there is no valid reason/explanation for it.

Needless to say it has been a bit of a roller coaster, emotionally, because we have been anxiously awaiting for his arrival for such a long time with the Dr. telling us he'd be here even as early as last week. It kind of makes the time go by a lot slower; we wish we would have been mentally prepared all along for his birth to be closer to the 6th.

If Beckahm does come before May 6th, we know he will have come early. If he decides to linger too far past his due date, and we go into our next appt and find out that we NEED to be induced then that is what we will do in order to make sure he is healthy. So the update is his birth could be any day between now and May 6th. We are sooooo excited for his arrival!


  1. Good job sticking to your guns! I couldn't agree more! Let little Beckahm keep flourishing where he is, in Mommy's warm and well known womb. He'll come in time...xoxo

  2. Yeah, to each their own. I wouldn't tell anyone to induce early but once you reach your due date I think it's a great option. I induced with all 3 of mine and had nothing but wonderful experiences with very healthy babies. But again it's personal opinions and decisions.
    Either way we can't wait to meet baby Beckahm!!

  3. stick to it!!! your almost there and there are nothing but good things when those little ones can come on their own. sure love ya.......good talking to all this last week.
