Sunday, March 6, 2011

"To Do" List

Since March hit, the realization of Beckahm's due date has really started to sink in. Knowing I could go into labor basically anytime till he is "supposed" to come, has made me feel a greater need to get as much done as I can to make sure I am prepared for his arrival. I recently bought all of the "baby essentials" (and probably more), everything but his crib and a few other items. I love all of things I was able to find on amazon and etsy; seriously, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't shop online, for me it is the only way to go.

Yesterday I cleaned out the storage at our apt and organized it so Beckahm's things could be easily accessible. It was definitely an exhausting project. Sometimes I can't believe I do half the things I do 8 months pregnant. For example, hiking 3 1/2 miles, rollerblading for an hour which nearly put me into labor; I thought he was going to pop right out. But nothing seems to slow me down; it is honestly hard for me to take it easy, there is so much to do!

Tomorrow we are going to take all of the things we don't need here at the apt to our other storage unit and finish getting the apartment baby ready. I have also started packing my bag for the hospital.

Other items we crossed off our "to do" list this week: tour of Arrowhead Hospital, where I will be delivering. It's nice that the delivery and recovery rooms are private. Seeing and learning about exactly what will, or could, happen on that day made me realize even more that this is all REALLY happening. I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM HAVING A BABY!!!! I have gotten so used to him being inside of me, it's hard to imagine him actually living/thriving in this world.

This week we also had a Dr.'s appt (OBG/3d ultrasound) and dentist appt on the same day (not recommended. The mere waiting tested our patience). Between appointments we treated ourselves to lunch at Rubio's—Mike got me to LOVE their fish taco's.

We were also able to go to the Mesa Temple and do a session (grabbed some yummy Firehouse subs on the way home). What a blessing it is to go to the temple and receive answers to your prayers. What an amazing experience we had while we were there; we felt so inspired and rejuvenated about many of the decisions we are going to be making in the near future.

Friday we were invited over to the Gordon's for a dinner/birthday celebration for their four year old who reminds me so much of Maile—cute as a button! It was so much fun getting to know them better—great dinner, fun games, and great conversation. Both of them are passionate about writing and both continue to publish their articles while Merry teaches high school English and Ed works at a law firm as a graphic designer. Merry is my VT companion and she is pregnant with her 3rd child—their first boy—which is always nice because they were able to give us some great advice about child-rearing and all the "fun" things we have to look forward to. Afraid they may have freaked me out a little too much, she sent me an article she wrote for a website related to parenting that put it all in perspective (I posted it on Aspire to Inspire if you want to check it out; not only is it brilliant writing and quiet educational but it is hilarious)! We love this ward so much; it makes such a difference when you are surrounded by warm, loving, accepting, laid back people.

Saturday Mike went boating with Dave and Kimber and the kids; however, when they got out in the water the boat started to leak so they didn't get to go wakeboarding—bummer. I got some errands done and then Mike and I found great reviews about a BBQ restaurant close by and decided to give it a try. We are seriously blessed to find such amazing places to eat and this was no exception. "Bobby Q" is located in what seems like the ghetto (we really didn't know what we were getting into as we drove through the neighborhood) but ironically enough as we turned the corner and drove into the restaurant parking lot the surrounding completely changed. The restaurant was nestled into these trees that looked Georgia born. Everything about it, from the location, to the decor and laid back atmosphere, made us feel like were were dining in the South. The food was so delish—cornbread, ranch beans with onions and shredded brisket, bbq ribs, potato salad, shoestring fries, and as a "on the house" dessert: mini cinnamon sugar donuts that literally melt in your mouth. Needless to say we happily ate and ate and ate until I about burst. There honestly is NOTHING like great food!

It is always an adventure teaching the four year olds in primary. I love all the girls I have. Although they can be a bit rambunctious at times, they have such a sweet spirit. Each week it amazes me how much information they understand and retain. And I always look forward to the funny comments that come out in sharing time and/or during my lessons. I love primary!!

The spring weather here has been gorgeous. I still can't believe we are able to hike and be outdoors in short sleeve t's. We love AZ!!! We are trying to get out as much as we can because we know our "indoor months" are quickly approaching. Even though I know I am going to immensely dislike the heat, I have to say I am grateful that we have sun year round!

1 comment:

  1. That's good your staying so busy and active, it's so much easier to bounce back after you have a baby that way.
    I love all the fun restaurants you guys find! (enjoy as much as you can now cause once your baby reaches about 3-4 months it's so much harder to go out with him:)
