Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our Week

Another great restaurant Mike and I went to for lunch this week: La Piazza Al Forno.

"La Piazza Al Forno, or loosely translated, "Piazza's Oven" is a brick oven pizzeria and italian kitchen located in charming Historic Glendale, AZ. La Piazza Al Forno was born from a family tradition, passion, and desire to be a dining destination for friends and family to gather for great food. We wanted to serve Pizza's just like the old country,using methods and recipes dating back many years. The same as you would find in any city in Italy, especially Naples, the birthplace of Pizza, and also our family before us."

We dined on their yummy meat pizza and the best appetizer:

Shrimp stuffed with Crab Meat, Sauteed in Olive Oil and Garlic served over toasted Italian Bread.

Also this week we did our last 3 1/2 mile hike before Beckahm comes! I literally fell down the mountain (luckily backwards so I didn't hurt little Beckham) and bruised/cut my knee pretty bad. I realized, well Mike realized, after that and my rollerblading incident which almost put me into labor, that it is time to slow it down a bit. We have enjoyed getting outdoors and hiking this past month; we are taking advantage of the nice weather before it becomes unbearable.

I got my hospital/diaper bag (which I absolutely LOVE) all packed and we just installed Beckham's car seat. I can't believe my due date is around the corner. I feel like he is going to come early with all of the cramps I am getting and how low he seems to be sitting but who knows, he could come late. WE SHALL SEE.

A few precious things my girls in primary said today that I had to share. During singing time Tatum leaned over to me and said "I am going to marry a missionary and he is going to take me to the temple and it is going to be just like Cinderella!" I just laughed thinking "hopefully you will learn the reality of marriage one day :)." Chloe wanted to sit on my lap the entire sharing/singing time and she kept rubbing my tummy saying things like "does your baby have clothes on? What is his name? When he comes you won't be coming to church anymore right? Is he sleeping? I think I just felt his toes." Kids, they seriously say the funniest, most adorable things!


  1. Who's that sexy chick holding the bag? I wanna meet her...

  2. I was looking for a good restaurant to eat at last night with my fam while my sister was in town and I looked on your blog and found a solution.
    Thanks for posting about it, it was a hit.
    CUTE diaper bag!!
