Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekly Update

This week has been hard with my pregnancy. I have been more tired during my third trimester than my other two trimesters, which is odd because everything I read told me I'd be tired towards the end of my first and into my second trimester. I am not taking naps however; I think I have only taken 3 naps my entire pregnancy. I have too much I want to do during the day; I am always keeping myself busy. My hormones are also finally kicking in. It is so crazy to feel such a difference going into my 7th month! I am more emotional over such funny things and the tears just sometimes want to erupt without any cause at all (happy, sad, anxious, etc.). It is all so funny to me, yet I kind of like it because it just reminds me how beautiful and unique pregnancy is.

At Ty's Birthday party that we went to on Friday, one of Kimber's friends was talking to me about the feelings experienced during pregnancy, caused by our lovely hormones, of wanting to make sure the house is in order, that everything is taken care of as far as all the necessary baby supplies, etc. Thank goodness I am not alone! It's so funny because I was talking to Mike about all of that stuff the night before, just feeling anxious about making sure to get everything we need before he comes.

Pics of Ty's Birthday:

I also got sick the day after my parents left and have felt it coming and going all week, which makes it harder to deal with the little things (cooking, getting things done, working out, etc.), but I am a trooper, I have still managed to prepare my primary lesson for Sunday, hang out with friends from the ward at our monthly social, babysit Dave and Kimber's kids so they could have a romantic Valentines together, keep busy with all of my projects, etc. I am glad the week is over, and hopefully my body will start healing by next week.

Mike and I went on an incredible hike on Thursday and out to see a movie. It was nice to connect (we seem to be so busy with our own individual projects and trying to come up with ways we can stay for the summer) with each other and get out in nature to clear our heads. We have some new plans and are going to keep working on things, praying, and figuring out what is right for us this summer. Mike has also been drawing/painting some really cool pictures for kids rooms, inspired by Beckahm and obviously his own art. I am so excited to hang some of them in Beckahm's room one day.

We are so excited for our 3-D ultrasound on Tuesday. We haven't seen Beckahm for almost three months, during which time he has become so much bigger which would result in more apparent features; I can hardly wait!!!! Dr. visits are now two weeks apart; it is crazy how fast time has flown and how quickly he will be here! We bought all of his clothes for the first 3 months, which are so stinkin cute it is ridiculous. Mike and I are both a little picky with our taste in clothes, so it was fun to be able to pick out our own things that represent our taste and style. Our little buddy is going to be pimpin! :)

We also decided to change his name; he is taking his daddy's name: Beckahm Michael Moncur. Daddy is beaming he is so extremely proud to pass on his name to his first born son.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for babysitting and coming to Ty's party. It's so fun to have you guys living here. Hope you start feeling a little better, but truthfully the last month is usually the hardest. But you are a trooper, just keep up everything your doing and the last 2 months are gonna fly by SOOO fast!
