Sunday, January 23, 2011


Mike and I gave our first talks in church today since being married. I told the ward that we were thrilled that they were the first ward susceptible to our inexperience :). I used Esther as an example we can learn from in overcoming our own fears. And then went into detail about the different categories of fear that each of us experience, at some point or another in life, and how we can overcome them. Mike gave a wonderful talk focusing on three scriptures that reference Captain Moroni and how his example can help men become better priesthood holders.

We are so happy to be in this ward and to be living here in AZ. It is funny how life works out; we were just talking this afternoon about how, at the time, we didn't feel as though we were being inspired about where to re-locate, but we now know this is exactly where we are supposed to be at this time in our lives. We both feel so secure here in AZ; it is becoming a place that is actually starting to feel like home.

Weeks events:

Sunday we got to talk to Mikes family on skype—it was fun catching up with each other for an hour and laughing our heads off about silly things. You can never replace being in good company, even if it is through the internet :).

Happy Birthday to Michelle and Deirdre, my twin sisters, who turned 34 this week! Yeah!!

Mike and I spent yesterday cleaning out our storage unit, getting rid of a bunch of stuff to Goodwill and trashing some junk we had laying around. We hope to sell half of our things on craigslist (what a genius invention). It feels so much better to simplify our lives. You realize, living without all of it for months on end, that you really can do without so many possessions you accumulate through life.

We had the missionaries over for dinner last night—taco casserole with krispy rice ice cream dessert. YUM! It has been fun having them in our home each month and getting to know them better.

For FHE we listened to one of our communication cd's Michelle and Jared loaned us.
Such a great activity to do with your spouse: take five minutes and stare in each others eyes, do not communicate, laugh, or think about anything else but your partner. If your mind starts to stray, if you start feeling uncomfortable, etc., think of this question: "what is it like to be him?" or "what is it like to be her?" It seems like a really silly activity, but we tried it and it ended up bringing us closer together. Taking a moment to REALLY look at each other, which oft times we don't do in marriage, and thinking about your spouse using your "higher brain" makes you stop to realize they are their own person, they have a lot they are taking on, and there is so much to love and be grateful for.

Today we plan on finishing our storage project all day and then Mike has his ward missionary weekly meeting.

Wednesday-Thursday Mike is out selling and I have a million projects I am going to be working on: updating my new DTUT site with some new products I came up with, working on my book, and doing research on a possible new company Mike and I felt inspired to begin. Mike and I are also beginning to write a book together (top secret :), and plan on trying to work on it more this week when time permits. It is so much fun having uplifting and productive projects to work on together; I just love spending time with my mate!

Friday my parents are coming in town for a week! Yeah!!! I am so excited to see them and spend time with them. I love being around my family! My mom and I have some unfinished sewing projects to complete, and of course we have some yummy places to take them to dinner.
Finally, I got a new calling in our ward which I am totally thrilled about: teacher for the 6 year olds in Primary, which I begin next Sunday. I have never had a calling in the Primary and I feel that this was totally inspired seeing that I will learn so much through teaching the little kiddies and hopefully pass on those experiences on to my little Beckham.

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing about all the fun things you are doing together and experiencing. Cannot wait to hear more about this book and business you are going to do together and to see your new products. Love having the missionaries over too!!! Neat I am also teaching the six year olds I love it they are adorable so sweet such a fun age. Jealous!!! Have fun with mom and dad. Thanks for calling yesterday good talking to you
