Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Beckham

I haven't written too much about my pregnancy, so I figured I'd write a little about my experience.

First thing I have come to learn is that every pregnancy is different. No matter how much advice you get from people, your pregnancy will inevitably vary from others experience because you are unique and your baby's going to be unique. I am grateful that I have such an awesome Dr. who doesn't simply place me in a "pregnancy category", rather he gives me feedback that is beneficial and specific for me. Instead of walking around thinking I am abnormal or getting worried cause I am not having the same pregnancy symptoms as others said I would, I can rest assured that my little man is doing what he needs to do to develop and grow, and that my body is doing what it needs to in order to properly house his little body.

Other things I didn't realize being pregnant:

1) That my boobs would or COULD get any bigger. The Dr. told me that as I nursed they would only increase in size. HOW? HOW? HOW? I just don't think it is possible. I am going to have to get my bras custom made here pretty soon.

2) How bad my breasts would KILL the first months of pregnancy.

3) How my little belly would all of a sudden pop over night. One day it was flat, the next day my little bambino decided to show just how much he's growing.

4) That I still fit into my jeans! YEAH! I know it won't last long, but I have been going strong for five months now and I rejoice in that!

5) That I can still workout nearly as much I regularly do. I am still going strong at 1 1/2-2 hours a day! WOOT WOOT! I love staying active! It is such a mental lifesaver.

6) That my nails and hair would grow at such a rapid pace during pregnancy.

7) That I would dream of food, food, and more food. Thankfully I let my dreams satisfy those cravings 90% of the time. I try not to give in to all of the food I am craving; I just don't hold the belief that it is healthy unless I am craving the yummy stuff like veges. I am not exempt however of giving in; I think this past week of eating out constantly along with the holiday munchies has finally caught up to me.

8) That I would be so in love with the ultrasound pictures of my little man; I am just mesmerized by him. I could watch him all day long when I go in to get my ultrasounds.

9) That I don't have a lot of strange food cravings. The things I crave the most are salty things. I love olives and pickles. The only food I have consistently craved since the beginning of my pregnancy is potato—any and all consistencies: fries, baked, mashed, etc. YUM! I also crave vegetables.

10) That I would feel my little man move as much as I do at this point in my pregnancy. The little guy knows when mommy's sleeping and loves to kick me to let me know he's not sleeping and neither should I be!

11) That my belly button would stick out as far as it does! Funniest thing to see when I gaze at my baby bump each day.

12) That Palmers Stretch Mark cream would really work; at least it has so far. Use it every day and nothing yet!

13) That I would feel so good being pregnant. The first few months I was really nauseous but I never threw up. And then I had way bad stomach pains (due to my gluten intolerance). The past few months I have had a few headaches and now I am pretty tired each day, but other than that I am doing so good with this pregnancy.

A few updates on the little guy:

He's a bit underweight right now, at 10 oz, but the Dr. assured us that this is perfectly normal considering both our body types. He said he'd most likely be a small baby. From the ultrasound pictures he looks like he has long bones so we are thinking he will be as tall if not a few inches taller than his daddy. The Dr. said I had his "favorite kind of placenta", whatever that means! :) And that everything looked so good—mom and baby were super healthy and strong. Right now my due date is scheduled to be around the first of May; we shall see if he decides to come early or late.

Oh, and the biggest news of all: we have decided on his name (drum roll please) . . .
BECKHAM (and no we didn't name him after the soccer player).

Here's my baby bump at 5 months; he's gettin bigger everyday!

Nika can't wait for Beckham to come so she can have someone to play with!


  1. something went wrong with my comments, sorry if anyone didn't get to leave one.

  2. That is weird I left a comment and it says it was deleted . . . strange
