Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's a BOY!

Okay, so as you all may know Mike and I were dead set on a girl from day one; for some reason we just felt like we were going to have a girl. And yes, I even bought a $5 dress in Key West for the little expectant one. Mostly everyone we shared the news with thought it would also be a girl. The night before we went to get our ultrasound we had Dave and Kimber over to our place for a nice dinner and games.

As we were conversing, Kimber told us about this interesting way to know how many kids you would have and in what order. We thought it would be fun to try it out and see if our predictions were right. What you do is you take a ring dangled by a string and hold it over your wrist. After it unwinds you let it sit there and you see how it starts to move either back and forth or around in a circle by itself. The theory goes if it moves around in circle you will have girl, if it moves back and forth you will have a boy. Once it totally stops you know how many children you will have. When we did it on me it first went in a circle, then back and forth, then in a circle again and then it stopped. We did it to Mike as well and he had the same results. The craziest thing about it is that it totally moves on it's own, going from a circle motion to a back and forth motion—it was a trip. So this "belief" we had of it being a girl now became solidified by what would start calling "the ring theory." (Dave, by the way, believed it was a bunch of crap, and was mocking us the entire time we were doing it. Funny thing is that when Kimber had someone test her with it, it followed the same pattern that she now has and said she was done after three kids. So Dave, looking to prove the ring wrong, was seriously debating trying to have another kid).

Waking up the next day and going into the Dr. I felt confident it was a girl. Practically 2 seconds into our ultrasound the nurse announced to us "it's a boy!" Mike yelped out "WHAT??? Are you sure???" We both had her check it again and again because we didn't believe her. Poor girl, she's like, ya, believe me, see these two things, you can't mistake those, it's a boy. I was in a state of shock the whole day, it really did take me a moment to wrap my head around the idea of us having a boy.

I have to say after a few hours of letting things absorb I became ecstatic about the news. I always thought I would have a boy first, until I actually got pregnant; in fact, I always wanted a boy first (more boys than girls has always been my preference). I don't know why, there is just something about having an older brother to take care of the rest of his siblings, and like Michelle told me after I told her the news, it is a win win situation the next time around because if you have girl he will be her protector, someone she can lean on and look to for advice, and if it is a boy they can be buds!

Dave, of course, was stoked because a) he had been proven right about the "ring theory," and b) he now didn't have to prove the ring wrong and have another kid. HAHA, happy I could oblige and help him in not having to make an "experiment" out of his next child.

The next morning I went out and bought Mike a little congratulations gift to officially celebrate us having a boy. I found the cutest sandals and onesie that read "A Big Deal, like my dad." I feel bad that for 4 1/2 months we've been thinking it is a girl, poor little fella. He is a BIG DEAL and I want him to always know that and feel that his parents LOVE him so much and are so happy he's joining our family.

Finally starting to show at one week shy of 5 months! Woot woot!

Our first picture of our little boy.
I can't believe this little guy is inside of me. From this shot he looks like he has big ol' lips!"
Two more weeks and we go back in to get his measurements! We are excited to see how he is developing!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my stinkin cute your little belly!!! I am thrilled for you. I LOVE the little boy outfits. Now if I could get prego and have a little boy they could be best cousins. Loves to you and your little fam.
