Friday, November 12, 2010

AZ Events

Mike and I have been enjoying our time here in AZ immensely! While most people are in the rain, cold, and even snowy weather, we are enjoying what we call "luxury living" in the nice warm, AZ sun. I honestly didn't think I would ever say this but we really like AZ. We love the weather, we love being able to BBQ outside during the winter, we love being able to lay out by the pool and read The Hunger Games together, swim, get in the hot tub at night, etc. We love our ward—a good mix of younger couples with children and older couples. Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming!

We feel so blessed, having Mikes job and the luxury it affords of being able to take a few months off together. What a blessing it has been! We look forward to camping, celebrating Thanksgiving here in AZ with Dave and Kimber, exploring the area more, finding our new favorite places to eat, etc. Lately we have been taking time to look around and get ideas on what we will need for our newborn and enjoying that entire process of being new parents together.

Last week we went to the AZ State Fair with Dave and Kimber and the kids. We had such a fun time eating yummy BBQ, going on all the rides, getting snow cones and funnel cake, and laughing and enjoying each others company. Last Sunday we had dinner at Dave and Kimber's. Dave is quite the amazing chef; we had grilled salmon with tomatoes, grilled asparagus, crispy potatoes, biscuits, and for dessert I made pineapple upside down cake. We had fun playing a card game of Big Two (Mike and David tied and I officially became known as "Debbie Downer" because of my horrible luck each hand).

Last night was date night. We didn't realize how packed the restaurants would be because of Veterans Day but we waiting it out and had a yummy meal at Chilis: ribs and fries. I have to say that Chili's ribs now rank #2 for me; Rib City will always be #1!

Mike did the cutest, most thoughtful act of service at the restaurant. We were situated in a room with 12 widows who had to be split up because there weren't enough tables for them to sit together. During our appetizer Mike approached our waiter and asked her if we could move our table at the end of the theirs so two of the ladies who had been split up in a booth could join them and we could take their booth. It is amazing how one act that seems so insignificant to us can mean so much to someone else. The ladies started clapping for Mike and were overjoyed by his act of service. They kept showering him with compliments and praise. The waitress who was kind of in shock about the entire ordeal leaned over to me and said "in all my 12 years of working here I have never seen anyone do something like that." It felt good to be of service. I am proud of Mike that he saw a need and he took care of it. As we were getting ready to leave the waitress handed us our bill and told us that she asked her manager to give us a discount for what we did and that the widows had actually pooled their money together to take care of the majority of the bill, leaving us with a $3 charge. Mike and I were astounded. I looked over to the ladies and told them they really didn't have to do that. We had more means to take care of our meal than they did and the act we provided was nothing in comparison. As we left the restaurant Mike made a really good comment as we were discussing how they really didn't need to do anything in return, it really wasn't that big of a deal for us to move, "sometimes it is important to allow others to serve you." This was definitely a good example of "paying it forward" for everyone involved.

Seeing those widows just made me grateful, once again, for all of the Veterans who have served us and this country. I am so grateful for all of those who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so that we can live and enjoy the freedoms we do!

Pictures of the Fair:

1 comment:

  1. Since you changed your background and header now I can see your posts again. That was weird, but yay, I've been waiting to see these fair pictures. So fun and some great pictures!
