Tuesday, September 21, 2010

18 more days!!!

18 more days and our summer season of selling officially ends! I can't believe how quickly the summer went by. We have enjoyed many different things that Washington has to offer: beautiful scenery, the city, the people, the wonderful cuisine . . . there will definitely be aspects of Seattle that will be missed.

We are so excited to start our new journey in AZ. We have our new apartment lined up, situated in Glendale, and we looking forward to decorating our new place, exploring Glendale, hanging out with Dave and Kimber, making new friends, and enjoying the sun!

The Metro at Zanjero

Current plans for the next few months:

October 9—Last selling day!!!

October 10-11—Stop in Grants Pass to visit my family

October 12—Drive through Napa Valley and stay the night in San Francisco
October 13—After a wonderful breakfast at one of my Dad's favorite omelet restaurants right on the warf, we will drive down to Carlsbad and stay the night. I am excited to take Mike to Ruby's on Oceanside Pier where I used work when I was 17 years old.
October 14—After a wonderful breakfast at one of my family's favorite Cafe's we'd go to at least once a month (right on the beach in Carlsbad)—Daily News Cafe—we will drive to Phoenix and stay the night with Dave and Kimber.

October 15—Move into our apartment, find a storage unit close by, and pack for Utah

October 16—Fly to Utah, company banquet that night (we get our 27" Mac and back end check—woot woot)!

October 17—Church with Mikes family, Moncur dinner/get together

October 18—Halloween costume shopping (we have to keep up with our win on the cruise :), appt. with Jared (every morning we can), have a halloween festivity with my sisters and go to a haunted house

October 19-20—Meet up with friends for lunches/dinners (JCW's/Rib City), get my hair cut by Tracy, errands, check on our home in Cedar Hills, hang out with Mikes family

October 21—Get uhaul and pack up storage unit

October 22—Back on the road, 12 hour drive to AZ

October 23-27—Unpack uhaul, get house arranged and extras put in storage

October 28-Nov 1—Company cruise to the Bahamas!!!!

Mike and I are taking the fall off to spend time doing things we have always wanted to do. We look forward to camping, hopefully making a weekend trip to Vegas, sky diving for Mikes birthday, being involved in activities within the community, taking dance lessons and yoga classes together, working on our photo albums and year end video, and hopefully be able to get involved in some community service projects.

Unfortunately because of our move and the little trips we have already made and will make this summer we will be hanging out in AZ for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I am so excited to leave Seattle. I really didn't think I would get to the point of feeling that way but I am looking forward to all of the things we have planned the next few months.


  1. Sounds like a new adventure awaits. I love all the planning and things you have to look forward to. Things all work out how they are suppose to. I will look forward to seeing you for a day. If you need help packing the Uhaul let us know. I can not wait to be a cheap flight from you and I can not wait to see you and visit you in that AWESOME apartment. loves.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love your new apartments, cannot wait to see how you decorate! How fun! So close to Dave and Kimber. You will enjoy AZ . . . you and Mike are so good about getting out and exploring You will find and explore the beauty and fun AZ has to offer. So fun you get to go on another cruise and WIN first prize for your fun costumes . . . excited to see what you guys come up with. Look forward to seeing you in Utah for our Halloween fun! The last time us 3 went to a haunted house was that crazy haunted corn maze in AF. We love our new Mac desktop you will LOVE yours! We may see you for Christmas. We are still trying to decide where and what we want to do, AZ is high on the list!

  4. Wow, you have a busy/crazy next month, good thing you guys can come back and take some time off to relax and get used to AZ a bit. You picked a nice area, you'll like it, and will get some good use of that pool in the summer! We're so excited you guys are moving here. FUN FUN.
