Monday, August 23, 2010

Another Day, Another Cafe

It was a relaxing weekend. . . nothing as adventurous as last weekend but we still thoroughly enjoyed our time off together. Friday I took Mike out to brunch at a cafe downtown Seattle called Sweet Iron; they serve authentic liege waffles. I don't know how they made their batter but it tasted like it was caramelized; it was sooooo good. I ordered the brie, basil, bacon, and Mike ordered the strawberries and cream with basalmic vinaigrette. They were both scrumptious.

Saturday Mike killed it—his best day since his first year of selling—with 5 sales!!! He was the all star of the day! Way to go babe! I am soooo proud of you! All of the hard work, study, and dedication paid off!

The office hit their dinner goal and we went to Red Robin and feasted on yummy chicken burgers. After dinner Mike and I hit up the $3 movie theater and saw Robin Hood. I was a bit wary because it didn't get great reviews but we both really liked it.

Sunday we went to church, took a nap, went and explored a park outside of the city, made a yummy dinner—Asian chicken salad with cream cheese crab wontons, and had game night over at Bethany and Jay's.

What a nice, relaxing weekend!


  1. Amanda, For someone who eats SUCH delicious food, You sure do stay skinny and GORGEOUS!!! haha! LOVE IT! do tell me your secret... what is your workout plan, i hope to have a rockin' bod like you someday... while still feasting upon the delicious food this world has to offer!!!

  2. Oh my dear Sharisse you are so stinkin kind. You know what they say: beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder so that must mean your eyes are the sweetest most beautiful eyes in the world! :). I sure love ya!

    Are you back in HI???
