Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We just got our internet hooked up so now I can FINALLY update our blog. Mike and I packed up both of our cars (I got everything in by the way—yeah :), and headed to Oregon last Tuesday. It was a long drive; Nika wasn't very happy about being a caged animal for 13 hours, and I wasn't happy seeing her that way, but nevertheless she was a trooper and made it thanks to Laurie getting us tranquilizers from her local vet because we forgot to get some before we left. The drive was pretty decent other than a near death experience driving through a scary blizzard in Nevada with semis whizzing by—freaked me out. Thankfully Mike wasn't driving with me because I was yelling things out loud to myself trying to relieve the terror :). We made it tired, safe, and sound in Oregon about 10pm. Unfortunately our visit was cut short; we only ended up staying there one day. We got some much needed help from our wonderful brother-in-law Jared; we are so grateful for him and the knowledge, love, and support he has passed onto us—he is such blessing in our lives. It was so nice to see those we could while we were there; I LOVE my family! It is always a treat when I get to be around them, especially my dear mother who is such a love, strength, and support to me.

We headed out early Thursday morning and arrived in Renton at a good time—4:30. We moved into our new apartment, which was surprisingly nice and in pretty good condition. It is a little old but it will suit us well till we move again in October. We are in a one bedroom and we love it. It really is an amazing feeling to know you can live without so much and live so simplistically. We've both talked about selling all of our things and moving into the city for two years and getting a scooter—so fun! Everything is so close to us—grocery stores, restaurants, gyms, Ikea, the temple, airport, church, the city (20 min away); it is so nice and so convenient. Although I would never want to live in Renton permanently, it is a good place to be for the summer. The only negative thing so far about Washington for me is ALLERGIES! But as Mike helped me remember I get allergies no matter where I am every time this time of year. So hopefully they will subside once summer kicks in. It is so gorgeous here; it is so green. The weather has been pretty good, a bit rainy, but it tends to clear out and be sunny by the afternoon. We love Seattle so much, it really is one of the coolest cities I have ever been to. The people here are some of the nicest, warmest people we have ever met. We are still not 100% positive if we are going to move here permanently; we are going to take a drive up North on Sunday to Bellingham and take another few Sundays to drive around to a few other towns to get a feel for things before we decide about our future location.

Mike is in a really good office this summer—some great guys and a great manager. We are looking forward to a successful selling season, making new acquaintances, finding some new yummy restaurants, enjoying the city, and planting some temporary roots.

Below are a few pics of the city.


  1. Love that scooter. Are those pics of Renton or Seattle?? How fun to experience something new! Glad you are getting settled in and I cannot wait to hear about all your Summer adventures and of course all the yummy food you encounter!!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT CITY. I just hope I am up there soon. How fun to find that vintage news stand....right up your alley. I hope you enjoy yourselves and take in every chance you have to explore and create wonderful memories.

  3. Those are pictures of downtown Seattle. I know Chelle, when I saw that news stand I freaked! I wanted to buy all of them! Can't wait for you guys to visit and to do breakfast in the city and go looking through al l the shops!!!
