Thursday, May 20, 2010

Prayer Answered

I have always heard these stories about people praying they would be able to find lost keys, or a wallet or some other seemingly meaningless thing that they didn't think they should bother the Lord with but did anyway, and their prayer was answered. I have always lived without that as apart of my collection of miracles until a few days ago. I let my kitty, Nika, outside to roam around one afternoon knowing that she always comes back after a few minutes. Well 6 hours later I started to get really scared that she was either stolen, lost, or worst cast scenario dead. It was getting dark and cold and I was worried she would try to find warmth in a car engine again (something she did previously in Utah). I went looking for her around our apartment complex a few times throughout the day but I couldn't find her anywhere. It was so strange because she always comes when I call her. I kept having this calm feeling that I would end up finding her but I pushed it aside as the hours passed by. After searching and searching I became hopeless and lost it and began thinking the worst—I would never see her again. I got on my knees and prayed, I texted people in my family to pray, I called my mom and she told me she would say a prayer, and then I just sat on our couch and felt this overwhelming sadness come over me. Nika is seriously such a big part of our little family; she's my Valentines kitty. She is also a cat I feel is irreplaceable just because she has one of the most incredible personalities. She is my little buddy; she follows me around everywhere and we both have grown to find comfort in each others presence. I know that one day I will have to say goodbye to her; I know she can't live forever, but I wasn't ready to lose her yet. Moments after I sat in our living room in silence I had this strong feeling come over me that clearly told me to go into our back room and open the window and call her name. I had done that already during the day and so I let the thought leave me. A few moments later the same feeling came back to me and I listened. I opened our window which looked into our back complex, quite a ways from our front entrance, and called her name. I immediately heard this faint meow. I looked up and she was hiding under a staircase terrified and paralyzed. I popped out the screen to our window and climbed out, attempting to drag her out from under the stairs. When I had her safe and sound in the house, I got in my knees and thanked the Lord for answering my prayer. I called my mom and told her the news and she informed me that she just got off her knees before I called. What a MIRACLE! Another faith promoting experience and a testimony that the Lord does care about all of our pains, our worries, and has the ability to help aid us even with the most seemingly insignificant problems, Mike and I are so happy to have Nika home!!

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