Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alice and Wonderland

Okay so seriously! Could this movie BE any COOLER! I have to say it is definitely going on my list of ALL TIME favorite movies. Reasons why: 1) the imagination and detail that went into every scene was exquisite. I could watch it 10 more times just to see all of the little details, 2) the acting was amazing, 3) Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter—do I need to give a further explanation. I loved, by the way, his relationship with Alice, it was so much more wonderfully developed and heart warming than the animated version, 4) I loved how they kept the best parts of the animated version in the film and yet expanded the story line (i.e. Queen's cards, her garden, playing croquet with the flamingo, the Cheshire cat, and the caterpillar's "who— are—you???"); 5) Both queens castles were incredible, and I loved, loved, loved the last battle depicted on a checker board—so amazing, and 6) I LOVE the costumes, especially worn by Alice. My favorite:

Mike and I really wanted to be the Mad Hatter and Alice last year for Halloween, but we couldn't find a costume for him. I am glad we waiting, it will be so much more fun to do this year! YEAH! Ewe and wouldn't it be fun to have a Alice and Wonderland Halloween bash???!

I give it five stars and tell you, it is a must see!!


  1. We cannot wait to see it! We are going this Friday. I love Tim Burton's movies he is brilliant!

  2. I saw it with my blonde friend Chelsea, Black haired friend Silen, and I have a reddish tint to my hair... SO we decided Chels was Alice, Silen the white queen (ps she is a vegitarian and doesnt hurt animals) and I was the red queen! Off with his head!!! AHAHA, but no, seriously... I didnt think I would like it at all, but I thought it was amazing! I love the story line and symbolisms and greatness of it! LOVED IT!! PS I totally want to be the RED QUEEN for Halloween this year! Great mind think alike, huh?
