Sunday, February 7, 2010

Laser Your Neighbor

So Yesterday Amanda and I got the chance to spend most of the day together. We went to the gym. We came home and got ready. We went on some errands. All the while we were having fun and stimulating conversation about things Amanda has been learning in her Psychology class. We were really enjoying one another's company.
After our errands we decided to go grab some dinner at Goodwood BBQ. It's right by the University Mall and we always drive by it so we figured we would try it out. Since finding the most amazing ribs in the world via Rib City, we have been trying to find ribs that match or are better. We both got baby back ribs. I got a full rack and when they brought it out I realized it could have fed us both. The portion was huge! I got the potato salad for my side and it was super delicious--probably the best potato salad I have ever had. YUM! Anyway, the ribs were really good...BUT not as good as Rib City's. I don't know if we'll ever be able to find better...
We came home and watched "Love Happens". We liked it. Wasn't the greatest movie ever but it was entertaining and enjoyable.
One of our errands was to get Nika some food and while we were in Pet Smart we picked up a laser toy for her. It's a little red mouse with a red laser that shoots out of it's mouth. It's just like a laser pointer but in the shape of a mouse. Nika liked it but I think Amanda and I liked it more. We took it back to 8th grade and were pointing it up our noses, in our eyes and all over the house being silly. I got the idea to point it out our window and to my surprise it shot all the way across the street! Wow! We were super impressed! Who would have thought a cat laser would shoot 200 feet across the street. We noticed that our neighbors across the street had some lights on in their upstairs bedrooms and so we thought it would be funny to point it into their window. You should have seen us. We shut off all our lights and cracked our patio door open and were on the floor sending our beam of red laser into their room onto their wall. It was hilarious! We felt so sneaky and mischievous. Two little girls came to the window and were trying to find out where the red beam was coming from. We rolled away from the opening of the door and whispered to each other, "Do you think they can see us?" haha... It was so funny! Then the girls would leave and we would shine the laser in their window and move it around on their wall until they came back to the window. We were laughing and whispering back and forth what we would tell people if they asked us about it at church the next day--or what we would tell the police if they came knocking on our door! Amanda-"Our neighbors are going to think we are creeps if they find out!" Mike- "They can't see us". Amanda-"They totally can! If someone at church asks us about it we'll just tell them our cat was outside and we were playing with her and it must have shot into their window." It was so funny! We decided to see how far it could shoot and we shot it at least 500 feet down the street into another neighbors window. They turned off their lights almost right after we shot the laser into their window--we thought for sure we were busted!
So for a night we acted like teenagers and created some mischief in our neighborhood. I decided I wanted to buy a higher powered laser and so I went on EBAY and bought a green laser for $8.88. Can't wait till it comes! On the shipping description it said, "ship so fast".....the seller was from Hong Kong. Anyhow that was our saturday night. We were going to build a fort in the living room--but decided that we would do it next week. Until our next adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Funny and entertaining I could hear you giggle like 5 year olds when you are doing something mischieveous! Cannot wait to hear about the Fort.
