Saturday, January 23, 2010


It is hard when you are both in school full time to keep up with a blog. To be honest there isn't much going on in our lives other than school. Mike is enrolled in two classes: a math class, and a U.S. Government and Politics class. I am enrolled in Swedish (ugh), my Senior Course which is Bible as Literature, an Evolutionary Psychology class, and an American Lit class. Although school is a serious pain in my butt, I love learning new things. I am thrilled to have this be my last semester! The only thing that terrifies me is thinking about I am going to do with my life once this chapter is closed.

I have so many things I want to do: work in politics (as a speech writer), write for a magazine, travel and help those in less fortunate circumstances, keep up with my DTUT business and make it actually flourish, write a book (which I actually might envelop myself in this summer), and keep learning :). WHO KNOWS!! Turning 30 this year makes me reflect on a new decade of my life and all of the things I want to start taking an ACTIVE approach in accomplishing. I know, I know, I have already accomplished and experienced much in my life to date, but there is so much more to do, see, explore, and be apart of! It is an exciting adventure!

Speaking of my DTUT business, I am in the process of adding a new line of hair accessories. They are so stinkin cute! I am using a combination of fabrics and ribbons, but the main line is going to be a vintage look. Mike and I were browsing through the shops at Thanksgiving Point, and I just happened to be wearing one and I had people coming up to me and complimenting me on it, asking me where I bought it, etc. One of the employees gave me a business card and told me to bring them into the store to show the buyers because she thought they would be interested in selling them! Kind of exciting! I obviously don't have an incredible amount of time right now, so we shall see. I will post them soon on DTUT, maybe a few here, and if any of you want one just let me know :).

That's it for now. Oh new favorite movie we rented and watched last night: 500 days of Summer!! There are, of course like all movies, some iffy parts, BUT all in all I LOVE IT!!! It is kind of like my other favorite: Elizabethtown in that it's a little quirky but so funny and so adorable and so REAL!! And it has become my new favorite soundtrack. Check some of the tunes out listed on my playlist. Love you all!!


  1. Yay!!! I cannot wait to see those headbands and of course I want one or two!! I am excited for you to get your DTUT business going and how exciting Thanksgiving Point wants your stuff! You have such exciting goals and all can be accomplished!! Isn't dreaming and planning fun? I am excited to see where your life takes you. Yay for Mike!!! What a fun time when Drew and I were both students, not much time for anything else, (this to shall pass). Love you!

  2. Yep sign me up for like four or five!! some for Mai too.
