Sunday, January 31, 2010


Things Mike and I have been addicted to lately:

Shark Tank—holy friz we are going to be on that show one day, we are racking our brains!

Rib City—I think we have eaten there about 6 times

Watching Movies—I think we can go down in history as the top movie viewers, we LOVE Red Box. Seriously after studying my brains out all day, everyday, there is NOTHING I love better than relaxing with my babe and a good flick on the weekend.

Skinny Cow sandwich ice cream—only 140 cal each! and so yummy!

Snuggling and talking before we go to bed.

More TV favs: American Idol, The Bachelor, Modern Family, The Office, and Deal or No Deal (another show we want to go on).

Taebo (well we were doing it for weeks in a row TOGETHER, but that recently died down) :).

Nika is addicted to her feather toy and HAS to have it with her whenever she follows us up stairs to bed.

Frozen Yogurt—holy friz, can you get enough? Froyo, Hello Yogurt, Red Mango, Alpine Junction. . . I think Utah was once noted as consuming the most ice cream out of any state.

Speaking of ice cream, I LOVE twist cones—McDonalds or JCW's YUM!

I have been addicted to carmel apples lately—such a good dessert!

Lately I have been addicted to Ellen, I watch her while I work out at the gym, she cracks me up.

Fondue at home. There is this yummy swiss cheese you can get at the store and it is so good with "everything" french bread—YUM!

I have, for some strange reason, also been addicted to celery with ranch dressing—YUM!

Lately I have been addicted to making all my snazzy, stinkin cute hair accessories!

And because Mike is coming home in minutes—I am going to be addicted to MIKE!!

Are all addictions bad??? :)


  1. I wish I could say I was addicted to something. i am just SO boring I guess...well for one I have been locked in this house for 10 days so I guess I could say I am addicted to....Maile???? She is the only one I have been around. Luckily I off to California for a week tomorrow!!!! I love all of your addictions and I do hope you share some with me when I am there in April.

  2. That is a wonderful addiction! I would be addicted to Maile too! Have fun in Cali!!! Love you!!

  3. No not all addictions are bad especially food ones (Yum two thumbs up for rib city and ice cream!!!) Okay I have to try the cheese fondue, I agree with Michelle cannot wait to try some of the addictions when we come and visit!! I am to addicted to celery and ranch dressing, I eat it all the time. I feel like a rabbit, at least it is healthy. I am also addicted to those icing sugar cookies you get at walmart, so unhealthy but super good!! I love this post I may have to copy!

  4. When do I get to see pic of those stinkin cute hair accessories so I can buy some! Start making little infant ones for baby jaida lynn!
