Sunday, November 1, 2009


Mike and I already celebrated Halloween on the cruise so we felt it had pretty much come and gone before it really came and went. I made our traditional meal (started last year when we celebrated Halloween together)—homemade chili and cornbread—YUM. Friday night we had tickets to go on the Heber Creeper. For those of you who don't know, it is an old train up Provo Canyon and they do regular train rides, a halloween ride, and a "Polar Express" ride in December.

Hallowe's Eve they decorate the train all ghoulish—spider webs, candles, etc., and they play this really spooky Halloween music the entire time. They tell these tales of all these deaths/accidents that happened up the canyon (playing to the myth that Provo canyon is haunted). It was super eerie when they'd tell a certain tale and then you'd look out the window and there, in the black abyss, illuminated by a spot light, standing across the river, was a woman dressed in a white dress wailing after the train—can you say eerie— EERIE!!! Then during different stories they would have actors dressed up and come scare you on the train. It was a blast!

Driving home I was acting a crazy—rolling down our window and scaring people on the street; what can I say, I am a nerd, and it was Halloween!

Halloween we were both pretty sick so we kept it simple. We finished carving our pumpkins and then went out to eat at JCW's—Best gourmet hamburgers, fries, and oreo shakes—YUM!

Later that night we dressed up as cowboys and handed out candy to the cute kiddies; it was fun to see them all dressed up. Then I called Dre, who I found out was in the hospital. I felt so bad for her (our family is big on Halloween and it must have sucked for to miss it for her). We hope and pray you get better soon!!!! And can't wait to see you this weekend!!

We didn't get to make my squash bake or our witch's brew and carmel apples so we are continuing the holiday celebration and making them Monday night for FHE—YUM! I love Halloween!! I love creating our own traditions together. This year was one of the best! Enjoy the fun pics (oh and Nika—celebrating her first Halloween— was also a cowgirl) :).

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