Monday, October 19, 2009


After getting ahead on all my homework, Mike and I were actually able to spend some time together this past weekend. Saturday morning we decided to enjoy the gorgeous fall weather and go for a hike up to Timpanogus Cave (literally in our back yard). It was so much fun! We love being in each others company; seriously Mike is my best friend—I love doing anything and everything with him. The fall leaves were gorgeous, the weather was sunny, nice and cool—it was perfect. The only accident, up the long treacherous climb, was our camera dropped and got pretty banged up. Other than that, no heart attacks, no shortness of breath (well maybe a little), and no sprained ankles :). It was such a beautiful hike; one we will definitely be going on more in the future.

Something very important we discovered: people are extremely nice in nature. That is all I am going to say because we might do a video on this subject, so watch for it :).

Saturday night we were able to go to Mike's year end work banquet. It was kind of boring, at parts, but the food was delicious, getting dressed up was fun, and seeing Mike get presented with $500 and a naked man award (similar to the Oscar's) was totally worth every moment of boredom. We are so proud of Mike and all his hard work and dedication this summer! I am married to the best man in the world (total personal opinion)!!!

Sunday we were able to go to Mikes cousins farewell. It was fun to meet Bob's side of the family (Mike's dad); such wonderful people. We are truly so fortunate to have such amazing families!

We are soooooo excited for our first cruise coming up—two days!! We leave to the Bahamas on Thursday morning, red-eye—12am. Not looking forward to that, but definitely looking forward to 90 degree weather and sandy beaches AND lobster dinners, AND 24-hour ice cream service, AND getting fat, and a halloween costume party, and MOST IMPORTANT—spending tons of quality, relaxing time with my favorite person in the entire world: MIKE!!!


  1. Oh my goodness so much fun! I wish I would go with you! I am not going to be able to go on my birthday with Dre anymore. All the cash I have saved for three months has to go to restoring my care. What a careless idiot I was!!! Oh well...maybe when we ever get the opportunity to go again..NEVER...You can come with. Loves.
