Sunday, October 4, 2009

Conference Weekend

AHAHA! I can't tell you how amazing it is to have Mike home! It is so nice to be living as a married couple again :)!

We were able to have a NORMAL weekend together, because I got my school work done in advance, which was much needed! Conference has been awesome! We are so thankful to be able to hear the leaders of our church speak, and be edified. We are rejuvenated in our personal goals, and look forward to incorporating prophetic counsel in our life.

Between sessions, on Saturday, we took advantage of the nice weather and went rollerblading up to the falls in Provo canyon. Although it was nice to get out and enjoy some fresh air, the trip wasn't without trial :). I fell TWICE and bruised my buttocks pretty bad, and scratched up my elbow and hands; so needless to say I was in a lot of pain over the course of the weekend :), but all in good fun!!

We were also able to go see a movie and enjoy an at-home spa day—a nice romantic bath, facials, massages, and foot scrubs. AHAHA it is so nice to have Mike home—life with him is the best life I could have ever hoped for or been blessed to have.


  1. So glad you had a relaxing both deserved it. We wished we could have come down to see you...soon hopefully.

  2. Sounds relaxing and fun. Sorry about your falls! Hope you are feeling better.
