Tuesday, September 1, 2009

my day today

I drove out to my area with my dad and Taylor today. I sold the second person I talked to, his name was Gale and he was 88 years old. Gales wife died 4 months ago, they had been married for 53 years. He told the same story twice about how he tripped off the step at the Justice Building-(I don't know what the Justice Building is but he assumed I knew) He told me they tried to give him $250 for the damages. He ended up getting $700 but he said if the insurance company would have seen his face right after the fall they would have given him more. Gale moved to Indiana and worked as a chiropractor. He soon found out that in Indiana you have to have a certain license from a Medical school which he didn't have. They threatened to put him in Jail if he didn't stop his practice. He stopped, got a night job at the Post Office and worked to get the license he needed. It took Gale 7 years to get the license but eventually he got it. Once he got his license he opened up shop and worked as a chiropractor and also continued to work nights at the post office. He worked both jobs for 30 years. Gale loves to golf and even at the ripe old age of 88 he still hits the course 2 times a week with the "Old Timers". You have to be over 65 to play with the "Old Timers". Gale is also in an 8 piece band-he plays the saxaphone. He took me out to his red Nissan and had me sit in the passenger seat as he played a CD of his band playing live at the Indianapolis City Market. It was big band and quite good. Before I got in the car he was in the drivers seat and through the window he showed me his white and blue hat through the window. With a sly smile on his face he pushed the hat closer to the window-it said "mine is longer than yours" and the bill on the hat is about a foot long. I laughed and got in the car. :) Funny guy. Everyone has a story-everyone around the world has a unique and personal life experience. I was thinking today of all the billions of people in the world and how I only know a tiny percent of people on the earth. We go in and out of grocery stores, pass people in hall ways and on the street and don't even know anything about them. I'm grateful for the job that I have and the opportunity I have to take a peek into peoples lives. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to get to know some of God's children some of my brothers and sisters, even if it is for only a brief moment.

After I left Gales house I knocked on a few more doors and it felt like all the motivation was just sucked out of me. I couldn't get my mind off of Amanda. I missed her so bad and wanted to go home to be with her. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to be around her, talk to her in person, feel her comforting presence. I love my wife so much. We have grown so close and I feel such an amazing love for her. It really sucks to be away from each other. I am so happy with our relationship. I am so excited to share the rest of our lives together. We have so much to look forward to. I can't express the feelings I have for her. I can't express the gratitude I feel in my heart. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for sending me an angel. She is my angel. I cherish her and the relationship we share. She is so strong. She just started school and has some really hard classes. Her schedule is insane this semester and it's going to be really tough. I am so proud of her for sticking it out and getting her degree. She has two more semesters to go and will graduate in April!! We are so excited! If you are reading this, please say a little prayer for Amanda...she is working so hard and has so much homework every day. I don't know how she does it. She is so diligent and focused it truly inspires me. You can do it babe! I love you! I can't wait to get home!

1 comment:

  1. That was sweet babe—I love hearing that story about you and your friend! Thank you for missing me; I miss you tremendously! Thank you for supporting me in school; I couldn't finish this semester without your loving thoughts, prayers, and support. I love you with all of my heart.
