Tuesday, September 22, 2009

6 days!

6 days! I'm so excited!!
Remember this night? We watched Elizabeth Town! You made me dinner for the first time. We drove up the canyon in the mustang. I remember I didn't want to go home! It was so hard to leave. I still didn't know the area around your house very well and so you drove me out to the main street; when I got there I had to give you one more kiss, so I jumped out of the car and ran over to you and gave you a kiss! Man, I hated leaving you and going home to an empty house! I'm so glad we get to spend the nights together, days together, years together, FOREVER together! I'm so glad we're married! I LOVE YOU!

you are wonderful, you never cease to surprise me--thank you for getting out of the car to kiss me goodnight---sooooo freakin amazing and sweet! :) made me giddy inside (yep still have the butterflies---NOT passed that stage :)! I LOVE being with you! And I can use that word in in that context :). I can't wait till Friday.....I'm soooooooooo happy you liked the movie----soooo happy cause it's one of my favs :). I'm soooooo happy that I could just spend quality time with you today, close to you like that. I love feeling your arms around me, your breath on my neck, the way you tangle your hands in my hair when you kiss me; your smell, the taste of your kiss; how comfortable and "at home" I feel in your presence....the more time I spend with you the more I feel this way.

I hope you made it home safe.......I still wish you could have stayed FOREVER....at least till we left to NY :).

Sweetest of dreams.



And this was my email to you when I got home that night:

Freak! Where do I start? Today was my favorite day! I loved every second I got to spend with you today! I loved when I saw you for the first time in JoAnn's in the back corner. I loved to see you dressed casually with your hair up. You looked amazing, and I sincerely mean that. I love it when you dress that way and do your hair that way! Beautiful!
Being able to see and go in your house was awesome. Your house looks great. I love your style and the way you are able to express yourself through the decorations and furnishings! It was really fun for me to see.
I loved our nap that wasn't a nap at all. More kissing and cuddling than resting. I loved to watch you make dinner and was really impressed with how fast you came up with everything. It was really attractive. I felt so comfortable with you. And the food was great. Everything tasted wonderful! I could go on and tell you how I loved this and loved that, but I won't. I loved the whole dinner experience!
Our drive up the canyon was beautiful and the scenery was breathtaking! Especially coming back down and seeing the sun reflect off of the mountain. AMAZING! Just being with you and feeling the cool breeze and smelling the crisp fall air won't be forgotten.
The movie was GREAT! I really did like it. I loved the story line, the quirkiness and humor, the romance. I am a nerd that way....I like chick flicks...and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
I did not want to leave you! I wanted to just stay with you all night. But logic sometimes overrides desire. So I had to leave. The whole drive home I had butterflies. I could NOT get you out of my mind...nor did I want to. I felt and feel now...weak, touched, vulnerable, loving, peaceful, chemistry, connection....I feel like I'm breaking and my heart is melting. Which is a good thing. I'm falling for you like a ton of bricks falling off of the Empire state building. When I'm around you everything is alright, and I forget all my worries. Your kisses are like candy and they linger on my lips. I miss you! Your smell is on my shirt and I keep smelling it and it makes me miss you even more. Tomorrow will go by sooo SLOW! I know it....because when I'm not with you time goes so slow and then when I am with you it goes too fast.
For some reason....today I felt closer and more connected to you than any other day. It was a perfect day and to spend casual time with you, real time with you was awesome. I LOVED IT! I will go to sleep thinking of you. Your smell is with me, I'm sleeping in THE SHIRT with your smell on it. I MISS YOU! I WANT YOU! I NEED YOU! :)
Thank you Amanda for spending time with me today. I am truly grateful for you and for our relationship. THANKS!
Have a great day at school. I'll be thinking of you!!

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