Sunday, August 30, 2009


I am finally home and all settled, after some crazy incidents :). Although it is nice to be home and see all of our familiar stuff, It is strange being here without Mike.

To update, before I left Mike and I explored Indianapolis quite a lot and were able to do a lot of fun things. We were able to go to the Indianapolis State Fair—the largest fair I have ever been too. It was something we have talked about doing since we first met so needless to say we were both excited. We love having “firsts” together. The fair is so nostalgic—the food, the rides, the atmosphere. I love going to fairs; I have been to many in my lifetime. We ate corn on the cob, corn dogs, bbq pork sandwhiches, funnel cakes (mikes first---YUM—my fav. Fair food). We just wanted to keep eating all the treats! We went on the ferris wheel—both a dream of ours—got stuck at the top, kissed, of course☺. We went on the only ride that scares Mike—this one that shoots you straight up and down—freaks me out every time but I do it for him ☺. We went on the swings which was crazy—Mike was video taping us the whole time and I was peeing my pants it was so insane. I always wanted my “boyfriend” to win me something at the fair and Mike was determined when he found this out; he ended up playing this darts game and won me a stuffed puppy ☺. We saw all the farming displays, the worlds largest boar, some pigs, dogs, etc. It was so much to spend the evening together and do something both of us have wanted to do for a long time. I am so grateful for all of the memories we get to cherish and look back upon.

The day before I left Mike took the day off and we went into the city—ate breakfast at this cute little café—Café Patchou—yummy omelets and fried egg sandwhiches. Mike and I love doing things like that-eating at little cafes. We then went into the city and walked through some of our fav shops. Mike got me the cutest black and white 60’s type hat. I LOVE HATS! We also bought a star light for our house (we try and collect things from the different places we’ve been). We also walked through the local City Market where there are a lot of vendors and food displays—super cool—gotta love the city, so much to do and see! Another cool thing we were able to do, a “first,” was go to the zoo which was only a mile outside the city. I love animals, they truly are amazing creations. My favorite was the polar bear, the tiger, which we got really close to, and the dolphin show.
Later that night we ate our last dinner together—fries, BLT’s, and went out for ice cream and got a movie, The Debaters, such and amazing film!!

All in all Indianapolis has been our favorite city (besides NY of course). There is so much to see and do, so many cool buildings, so much history. This summer has been so fun, I am sad to see it end. We truly have been able to see and do so much. We have watched a lot of good flicks, been to two different cities, toured some of the finer places in the US, ate at a lot of yummy restaurants, been to an amusement park, the fair, the zoo, etc. It has been so memorable. I love doing everything and anything with Mike!!! And miss him like crazy!

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