Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I finally have a chance to update. We got packed up late Saturday night (were able to see the new movie GI Joe-pretty good, kind of cheesy acting, and go to dinner with the office), and left around 9 Sunday morning. We made really good timing, we got in about 7pm. It is insane how close we are to various states-one reason why I love it so much-in one hour we were in Virginia, in two we were in KY, and then Ohio and then Indiana. We were transfixed with the countryside of Virginia and KY-so gorgeous, so picturesque with the rolling green hills, red barns, and white fences/horse pastures. It was so beautiful!!

We immediately loved the area when we drove in. We really didn't know what to expect, for as my mom put it, “who ever hears anything about Indiana?” We loved it because it was more open, still a lot beautiful trees and greenery, but not as saturated as NC. Another bonus-everything is literally 5 minutes from our apartment-AMC theaters, Target, yummy restaurants, local businesses, the church-and the city is 14 miles away. Speaking of the city we were able to go in on Monday and who would have known Indianapolis was such a cool place? There are so many fun restaurants (Chocolate CafĂ© where we indulged in a few sweets, Buffalo Wild Wings--YUMMY wings that I know I am going to CRAVE), cool retail shops, and some amazing architecture. Situated in the middle of the city is this beautiful fountain, quite breathtaking actually, with these detailed sculptures representing Indiana's involvement with many of our nations wars. It really is one of the coolest landmarks I have seen in this amazing country. We had so much fun walking around the Garden Atrium where they perform live, free concerts, the huge mall, and of course the city streets. We both love the city so much, and as Mike said, “this has to be one of the coolest cities either of us have been to.”

Another really fun event going on right now, which we will update you more on when we go on Saturday is the Indianapolis State Fair. They have a designated building for it, located near the city. The fair goes on for about a month. The coolest thing is you can take a train right to the fair a mile from where we live, in Fishers. Mike and I are so excited to go, we have literally been talking about this since we first started conversing online. I LOVE fairs, I am seriously a fair JUNKIE! I LOVE FUNNEL CAKE!! A MUST at a fair, and crazy enough this will be the very first time Mike tries funnel cake-YIPPEE!!! I love the rides too, even the small kid ones-there is something so nostalgic about fairs (I know Mike is going to make fun of me using that word, but I love it-nostalgic :)--fav word).

We have already made an incentive board for the two weeks I am here. Mike has been hitting his goal, which means we get to indulge ourselves with fun little things during the week. We have already eaten at the local Homemade Ice cream/yogurt shop featuring a ton of different YUMMY flavors, and The Original Pancake House. I love this incentive idea :)

The negative of this new move-the apartment; it is seriously odd. It isn't as nice as the one we lived in previous in Charlotte; it is an older model. We had so many problems when we arrived. It is on the bottom floor and facing away from the sun (towards this small forest) and so the lighting is pretty bad. When we arrived the first thing we noticed was that it wasn't clean-bugs, hair, YUCKY YUCK YUCK YUCK…and then the smell was pretty bad (which we later tried to remedy with carpet cleaner, air fresheners, and candles). Our toilet overflowed twice, first by Mike, then by me. Doogies were floating over the rim, onto the floor-it was horrible. I was freaking out cause I couldn't get it to stop and I ended up dropping the toilet lid onto the floor and breaking it in half. Then if things couldn't get worse, when we got in we didn't have liter for Nika and she had to pee really bad and unbenounced to me she went on this black trash bag. Well, in cleaning up after the unpacking I picked up the bag quite hurriedly and yep, rancid pee flew off the bag, all over my legs, and all over the carpet. YUCK! I wanted to vomit. To make matters worse they took out our water heater (who does that by the way???) and so we had no hot water till the next morning. We had to take showers that night in the pool restrooms, which, thankfully, housed showers with hot water :. HAHA what a crazy experience!!! Thankfully we have each other to get through the “weird” times and to laugh about them in the process.

All in all, the location is again, another “ideal” place : with everything so close by. Thankfully we are adventurous and thankfully I love living in different places (kind of crazy to pack up and move somewhere after four months only to pack up and move again in two months, but hey we are young, without kids, and are making our mark on the world and loving every minute of it).

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