Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am leaving the most important person in my life for a little over four weeks and neither of us are happy about it. I love Mike so much, I hate being away from him. In a total of 8 months being married we have been away from each other two of those months (one of my choosing to visit family in Oregon, and now for school). Hopefully it will make us stronger; it always seems too.

Every time we leave we end up finding a song that represents our time apart, and we end up making a playlist on our blog that ends up correlating with our emotions of longing, missing, an the love we have for each other. I was watching Ellen the other day and I saw this girl singing and I forgot how much I loved this song. I showed it to Mike one morning and then we watched the original artists version and it ended up becoming our song for this times departure.

I love you babe! Miss you like the dickens!

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