Friday, August 14, 2009

1 Years Old

Just wanted to give a shout out to our fabulous feline who is a year old today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKA! You make us laugh everyday; thanks for being the best little kitty ever.

Some fun fact about Nika:

She sleeps in a ton of different odd positions, and when she is really tired she puts her paws over her eyes to block out the sun--it is so cute.

She is our little world traveller now--Indi, NC, Utah, and all the states in between :)

Some of her nick names: monkey or "monk" cause she is a super duper climber; Nik; precious, muffin.

She is half dog/half human--she follows me everywhere, she follows us to go outside-- often leading the way-- and then when we call her she comes running home. She lets us know when she wants to go outside by extending herself to reach the door knob. She sounds like a baby when she cries; acts like a teenager when she doesn't get her way. She plays fetch with her mouse.

She has her own schedule: whinny for about 20 seconds when we go to bed, telling us she is sad that the day has ended, brings her mouse with her up onto the bed (it's like a comfort blanket for her) and then curls up at my feet and sleeps the night away. Wakes us up in the morning and runs around the house and does her happy, crazy, "a new day is here," dance.

She makes artistic mazes with her yarn, weaving it under the table and chairs, of which she is very particular about it--works all night on it so we have a stunning surprise in the morning.

She plays rough with us--we do tai kwando on her and she loves it. She lets us know she is just playing when, after we stop letting her bite our hands or feet, she starts licking us.

Her favorite game is hide and seek--she loves chasing and being chased around the house.

She loves my vitamin D medicine--licks it off my hand almost every night.

She loves catching our bugs--she's our best little bug catcher.

She doesn't like her paws being dirty and every time she is done in her liter box she wipes her paws back and forth on the floor.

She makes the cutest squeal when she stretches after her naps, almost like a human yawn and then a "ahhh"

She talks to me all the time. I will ask her questions and she totally responds. She knows "where's your mouse," "do you want to go outside," and she knows her treat bag when I pull it out.

One of her favorite toys--my rubber bands, find them all over the house.

She can act like a prairie dog sometimes by getting up on her hind legs and balancing like that for 10 seconds.

She loves laying on our mac computers or having some sort of ledge to prop herself up on when she lays on the floor.

She loves watching me put on my make up. She will jump on the bathroom counter and sit there and just stare at me meticulously till I am done. It is so cute

There are so many cool things about our cat....WE LOVE YOU NIKA!!


  1. Happy Birthday NIKA! Super Duper Cat. Love you Prairie Dog!!! I send my Meows!!

    BTW love the new blog background super cook pic at the top, looks good, love the new additions to the side bar. You should add pic of all the places you have traveled and than put the title underneath.

  2. Happy Birthday to a fab cat that I have never met. I can not wait to see you and rub you and see all your fun tricks. LOVE your Aunti Michelle

  3. That's so funny, I love it! She's your baby. There's nothing that prepares you better for a "real" baby than a pet. You're gonna be a fabulous mom.
