Friday, July 24, 2009

Dre's Visit

I love spending time with my family; it is such a treat. I was so fortunate to be close to Deirdre this summer and to be able to have her and Ashton come and visit Uncle Mike and Aunt Amanda in North Carolina for a week. It was so good to see them both! Ashton has gotten so big and he is the cutest baby, and really the best baby ever (he did so well being here)! The week was a blast; we had so much fun laughing, being silly, and hanging out.

A brief outline of the week’s events:

Saturday-- After Mike got home we took Deirdre to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Azteca—YUMMY seafood burrito, and the best guacamole! Mikes family was able to join us which was so much fun. Bob, Mikes dad, was so amazing with Ashton when he was getting fussy—he calmed him down simply by his warm and peaceful nature (everyone needs a Bob in their family ☺).

Sunday we had Mike’s family over and played games after church (we taught them arm and a leg). I made three different kinds of cookies for everyone to try (I love baking, what can I say). It was so much fun to laugh and be silly together. It is always nice when our families can spend time together. We have the best families in the world! We are both so blessed in that regard! It means so much to us that our families can mesh so well together.

Monday we took Deirdre to Birkdales, a cute outdoor shopping center, and Ashton was able to play in the water fountains with Mike. Mike is so good with kids; I loved seeing him play with Ashton this whole week; he is going to be the best dad ever! We ate some yummy Gelato at Café Mia and then Mike went to work. Deirdre and I caught up, talked, hung out and then we all watched the Bachelorette when Mike got home (Mike and I are avid followers—FYI WES is a jerk!!).

Tuesday we went to this little park/Boardwalk and Ashton had so much fun playing on the playground, going down the big slide. We ate lunch at Mac’s BBQ—YUMMY BBQ pulled pork sandwich and yummy chicken wings. Mike took the day off and we played around all afternoon. He took Ashton for his very first ride on a long board, which he loved immensely. We also concocted this slide from our mattresses and he had the biggest blast on that thing; it was so funny to watch him anticipate jumping off the top and landing onto the pillows.

Wednesday we took Deirdre into the city, and ate lunch at this yummy café and then, after Mike went to work, we played with Ashton at this really cool park with water fountains and a really fun playground.

Thursday we were able to go canoeing at this nice lake, thanks to Deirdre’s friend who invited us---such a nice family. It was so much fun!!! We thought the crazy thunderstorms would rain us out but the weather was actually perfect! Not too hot!! Mike and I haven’t been able to do a whole lot since he works so much, so it was nice to get out and see a bit more of Charlotte. For lunch we took Deirdre to our favorite sandwhich joint, Firehouse Subs, and then we hung out the rest of the day, talked a lot, went back to Birkdales and got Deirdre a bag she wanted and of course got more Gelato—YUMM. Later that evening we made some yummy dinner, watched the results show (disappointing) of So You Think You Can Dance, and stayed up late laughing, making silly faces, and being dumb ☺. I love having such a good family and such an amazing husband that both contribute to a lot of laughter and good times!

It was so much fun to spend time with my sis! We were so happy she and Ashton could join us for a week. Thanks for the break from school, for all the laughs, talks, great food and good times. We adore you both and wish so bad we lived closer!!

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